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Noddon|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon



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  1. 专家成员

    With low slope cathedral ceiling, you can use blow in insulation. It is good to get some baffles (could be stapled cardboard) against the top chord to make sure the ventilation gap stays open as it might be hard to see while filling the roof. Make sure the insulation weight is bellow the limit of the ceiling drywall so it won't cause bowing.

    Looking at the drawing, you can probably fill it from the outside from the upper side before the siding goes on. This would let you install the ceiling before the insulation goes in.

    1. Noddon||#4


  2. 燃烧||#2


    如果您使用一个24“桁架和完全密实充填智慧h cellulose (3.5 pounds per cubic foot), that adds 7lbs per square foot dead loading at about $0.40/lb = $2.80/sqft on insulation for R-91 (about the same cost as two inches of closed-cell foam). Use either extra strapping and drywall screws on the underside to help hold that weight, or plywood/osb.



  3. Noddon||#3


    1. Mike Kolder||#5


      I like your trusses and would leave a 3" ventilation gap, but don't use exposed fastener metal roofing..

    2. 专家成员
      Malcolm Taylor||#7


      Snap-lock roofing is more expensive, but much less labour intensive and easier to flash than exposed fastener panels.

  4. 乔·诺姆||#6

    I have the exact same truss and am still deciding how to insulate it.

    Batts will leave a lot of gaps where the truss "ladders" are. Blown-in seems like the way to go.


  5. Mike Kolder||#8

    Fiberglass and cellulose insulation do not stop air movement because the materials are porous. So you'd somehow have to separate the ventilation air, from the insulation to get the 100% of the r value.


    1. 专家成员
      Malcolm Taylor||#9



      1. Mike Kolder||#10

        Thanks for the clarification Malcolm. I'm surprised no one mentioned the recommended flash and batt on the bottom and three layers of insulation and another layer of plywood or battens for the roofing. But the OP's cellulose with air space "should" work also and be easier imo.. I wonder if you could drape house wrap loosely from the rafters and tie the space to the soffit and ridge vents.. Or more elaborate, fill 24" space full of insulation, seal with house wrap and install sleepers for the ventilation space then battens.

        1. 专家成员
          Malcolm Taylor||#11



          1. 专家成员

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