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威廉·杜尔(William Duerr)|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Hi All,

I live in a 1.5 story cape in Nassau county on Long Island (zone 4a). The house is a fairly typical

I currently have little to no insulation in the rafter bays. What exists is a combination of “fluffy stuff” (fiberglass, rock wool, and even cotton). I want to address the overheating issue, but more importantly want to do it in a way that respects my carbon footprint. After much research, it seems like a hot roof is the way to go. I have been considering open-cell water-blown spray foam to fill the rafter cavity (rafters are 2×6), but I woul like to address thermal bridging, air seal, and bring my attic insulation level to > r38. My question boils down to this: how do I do it? I’ve considered the following:



3. Same spray as above, fur out the rafters, cover with polyiso, fill the remaining cavity with cellulose. I’m not sure this will work, as it seems to me that the netting allows for air to escape as the cellulose is being filled. Polyiso is not air permeable.



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  1. D Dorsett||#1

    连续的polyiso护套的全球变暖潜力并不大得多(可能小于after子之间的开放式牢房,而after子之间的开放式牢房的性能则不高。每立方英尺的聚合物是2倍,但性能较高,而不会被after脚削弱。after架之间的R20腔填充在热桥后约为R13-14,每平方英尺约2.3磅(平均,包括框架分数)。为2.3磅/r14 = 0.16 lbs/r-ft^2。

    With 1lb/ft^3 polyiso you get about R6 for 1/12= 0.083lbs for 0.083/R6= 0.014 lbs/R=ft^2, a full order of magnitude improvement.



    If you install if closed cell foam blown cellulose between the rafters, install a sheet of smart vapor retarder there and add Mooney-style 2x6s perpendicular to the original rafters 24" o.c. you can then install R23 rock wool on the Mooney-inteiror-purlins with only without any roof-rot risk. You could also put the membrane on the interior side, directly under the gypsum if your installer thinks they can still dense pack it. The flash-foam of closed cell puts a ~1 perm vapor retarder between the cellulose and interior and creates a non-wicking condensing surface, which will protect the roof deck. The variable vapor retarder limits the amount of moisture that the cellulose has to buffer to very reasonable levels, while allowing reasonable seasonal drying rates for the cellullose.

  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2


    到目前为止,最好的方法是在屋顶甲板上安装一层厚的刚性泡沫。当然,这种方法并不便宜,它要求您安装新的屋顶 - 但这是最​​好的方法。

  3. D Dorsett||#3

    4A区的IRC代码分析为R49。带有2x6 afters和岩石羊毛棒(R2​​3)和5英寸的外部polyiso(名义上的R30,在降落之前),即使在降低了临时,您也将拥有足够的外部R。大约R43名义上,但是由于afters的热中断,它仍将以U0.026代码最大每个表N1102.1.3的U0.026代码下方符合代码。

    The installed cost of that much polyiso is on the order of $3 per square foot (plus the cost of new roofing) with virgin-stock foam, about half that if using reclaimed roofing foam from commercial demolition. For performance-prediction purposes presume polyiso will average somewhere between R5- R5.5 per inch with that stackup, in your climate. So the 5" of exterior foam is a bit under R25 during the coldest weather, if R30ish during the spring & autumn shoulder seasons. If installed on the interior side of R23 rock wool it performs at it's full rated R, but you'd have the moisture trap problem.

  4. 帕斯卡·多尼尔(Pascal Dornier)||#4


    快速假设,试试这个德国计算器with different materials etc - look at the heat protection values at the top right. Any questions, just email me, their English translation is far from complete. Phasenverschiebung = phase shift in hours, temperaturamplitudendämpfung = temperature amplitude damping. = -5&rh_e = 80&外部= 0&name = dach



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