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Humidity Control Over Converted Garage

davidiliyn| Posted inGeneral Questionson
One of our larger rooms in our house was originally a garage and at some point someone built over it and made it apart of the house. They added floor joists over the garage slab to raise the floor to the house level. Unfortunately there is not enough room to crawl under it/access it. We just finished installing 3/4 x 2.25″ hardwood in this converted garage room. Subfloor is osb, used a vapor retarder and laid floor. There is no insulation between joists. There are a few vent holes around the space outside. Im honestly wondering if I should put a crawl space dehumidifier in there and control the humidity. I live in Salem Oregon where it gets very wet in the winter! I would love some advise!

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  1. Jon R||#1

    Crawlspaces (or smaller equivalents) should not be sealed up without at least measuring humidity.

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