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Opinions on this HVAC Design

阿诺德K。| Posted in机械on

Hi, I got an HVAC design complete as per my City requirement for permit application. I am building a two story, slab on grade house with the follow value; slab: R-32, wall: R-60, ceiling: R-90 and ACH: 0.6.

They provided the attached design with the following response below. I am concern this is over kill, especially the posted 6kW inline Thermo-Air heater since base on my heat load calculation, my house would require around 33-35k BTU. Any feedback and suggestion would be welcomed.

“Frankly, one unit for each floor is not the best way to heat. Because you will have an air heater on the HRV and your R-values are really good, it may work. The best way I think; installing small heat pumps for each bedroom, one big for the living room kitchen area and one small for the flex room. There are outside units with 5 indoor heads you can use. Also, I would install an electric baseboard heater in the laundry room and in floor heating for bathrooms.”

Thank you, Arnold

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  1. Jon R||#1

    Did you do a per room Manual J + S, T, D?

    1. 阿诺德K。||#2

      Hi Jon,

      I have not yet received anything except the above attachment from the HVAC designer but I did my own to compare since I don't have a lot of confidence in many of the trades around my area for anything beyond code minimum.

      Attached is the heat load I came up with which is within the range I was expecting so I think it 90%+ accurate.

      Thank you,

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  2. Jon R||#3

    > air heater on the HRV

    So all of the CFM listed are flowing through the HRV (ie, outside air)? Heat from the mini-split is accounted for? My initial reaction would be to use a single head ducted mini-split and a separate ventilation air system (with much lower CFM).

    1. 阿诺德K。||#4

      Hi Jon,


      We initially wanted to go with ductless mini split system but it is proving to difficult especially with the heat source in each room that is required by the Ontario code.

      I am open to anything that would work for our situation without it being overkill and inefficient.

      Thank you,

  3. Expert Member

    我猜你可以加热和冷却with an oversized HRV+coil unit but it makes no sense from energy point of view. That much fresh air would definitely make for great indoor air quality though.

    Cooling and heating flow rates are much higher than what you need for ventilation, there is no point in bringing that much fresh air into the house.

    The simplest is to go for a ducted mini split for heat and cooling and keep the ventilation separate.

    You can usually skip the post heater for the HRV if with a higher performance unit and good register location. Go for one with mid 80 efficiency, place the fresh air supplies register up high on the wall, blowing along the ceiling and away from where people will sit. Even if you are going with a duct heater, you would be looking around 1.5kW unit max.


    The issue with this type of layout is cooling. The bedrooms would be too hot unless the doors are kept open. For the bedrooms at least, a ducted unit is the best way to go.

    The loss numbers also seem a bit on the high side based on the size and description of the building. I would guess it would be closer or bellow 24000BTU.

    1. 阿诺德K。||#6

      Hi Akos,

      Thank you for your response. I ran the number for my heat/cool load and notice an error on my part and the total heat load is now 29,200 BTU/h. I have updated the attachment in my original post.
      The post inline heater was simply added to satisfy the heat source in each room that the building code requires and I was planning on going with a 1kw. I would only use it on the very cold days if the wood stove isn't enough.

      We're starting to think we may need to go with a duct mini-split despite not being out top choice for cost and efficiency. I guess we dropped the ball on this and assumed two wall unit would be sufficient to comfortably distribute evenly to provide a good occupant comfort.



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      1. Dan Moore||#7

        Our ceiling mount has worked well. Looks a lot nicer and seems to work just as well as the wall units. I wouldn't say it works any better, seems to be more for looks. Install is of a course a bit more difficult but it didn't make much difference in the price. I did get an external thermostat for it but even without it set points and comfort were pretty good. Our install location has it near a bunch of windows in a larger room so opted for it just to be safe. The combo of ceiling mount in the main living area and a ducted system for the bedrooms has worked very well overall.

        1. 阿诺德K。||#8

          Hi Dan,

          Thank you so much for that feedback.


  4. 沃尔特·阿尔格里姆(Walter Ahlgrim)||#9

    If you are planning some in floor heat the best way to make the inspector happy would be to put a token amount of in floor hear in each room all controlled by the bathroom thermostat. I doubt the inspector has much code language about how much heat is required per room to give you a hard time, just show some and you could include a switch to turn it off.

    Give your insulation levels, assuming no huge windows and if you tend to keep the doors open most of the time I doubt you will see much room to room temperature variation.




    1. 阿诺德K。||#11

      Hi Walta,

      We have no intention of putting in floor heating and it was the HVAC designer who was suggesting we install them to heat either the entire second floor or just to ensuite.

      The laundry/utility, again the HVAC designer indicated because of the amount of exterior wall to square footage, it would need some type of heater which he suggested a baseboard.

      We are starting to lean towards doing a two zone ducted ceiling concealed unit, one each floor.


      Thank you,

  5. Jon R||#10

    请注意,如果没有热源,关闭的房间就无法获得足够的热量 - 这不仅仅是“满足愚蠢的代码”的东西。另请注意,如果该房间像房屋的其余部分一样温暖,那么所谓的“补充”房间的热源将提供100%的房间热量。摘要:在每个房间使用带有管道的1:1小型切片(或两个)。如果房间加载不同的位置,则使用分区(带有恒温控制的部分阻尼器)。

    1. 阿诺德K。||#12

      Hi Jon,

      We are starting to about doing a two zone Mitsubishi Ceiling-Concealed Style unit, one for each floor and put those two unit in utility room where we have access for servicing. We're hoping the 16" O.C. joist can be used to run the ducts and out through either the ceiling for the first floor or the walls on the second floor.

      Thank you,

  6. 阿诺德K。||#13

    We're now strongly looking at a ducted system by using two ceiling concealed units, one for each floor but have them both installed in the utility room for easy service access.

    The hope is to run the ducts in the between the 16" O.C. floor joist with the diffusers coming down from the ceiling for the first floor and out the top of the walls for the second floor. I attached a very rough diagram for those who are visual.

    - 如果这种方法可行或推荐?
    - 您可以在2x4分隔的墙壁上运行管道吗?

    Thank you,

    File format
    1. Expert Member


      For the 2nd floor, the simplest is to drop the ceiling in the hallway a foot and mount the unit there. From there you have pretty simple runs to all the rooms nearby. Simple runs means you can use a low static unit as well.

      If you don't want to loose ceiling height, you can always bump up the overall ceiling on the 2nd floor to 9', nobody ever complains about having taller bedrooms. Another option is to order plenum trusses.

      1. 阿诺德K。||#15

        Hi Akos,


        Thank you,

        1. Expert Member

          If your joists are dimensional lumber, the only way to run ducts perpendicular to the joists is in a bulkhead.



          The 2nd floor is a bit more challenging, you can run 3 1/4x14 ducts inside 2x4 walls as long as you can get a feed to these from the bottom. The bigger issue is that you need a return on the 2nd floor (without a 2nd floor return cooling will suffer) which would be hard to run from the main.

          A simpler option might be is to vertical mount the unit in the back of the linen closet on the 2nd floor.

          Have a supply trunk in a bulkhead running along the top of the linen closet, just above but inside the bathroom and office door to feed the rest of the rooms.



  7. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#17


    " 2x4 poorly insulated"

    ...which doesn't correlate very well with the described

    "...a two story, slab on grade house with the follow value; slab: R-32, wall: R-60, ceiling: R-90 and ACH: 0.6...."

    垃圾IN =垃圾。

    If the better than code house description is correct the loads are likely to be less than half what the tool is spitting out.

    1. 阿诺德K。||#18


      I couldn't change the default wall assembly since their drop down menu did not work but I ended up changing the default setting manually.

      您应该看到手动J暖通设计师发送me using Wrigthsoft Right-Suite Universal 2019 software. It is full of mistake with a heat load of 36,000 BTU/h for my house design. I am in the process of trying to get them to fix their mistake but it is proving to not be easy.


      1. Expert Member
        Dana Dorsett||#19

        >“…看到手动J暖通设计师发给我ing Wrigthsoft Right-Suite Universal 2019 software. It is full of mistake with a heat load of 36,000 BTU/h for my house design. I am in the process of trying to get them to fix their mistake but it is proving to not be easy."

        HVAC designers have a strong bias to the conservative (in contravention of instructions found in the Manual-J itself), and VERY few of them are capable of calculating U-factors for non-standard higher performance assemblies such as R60 walls. The better ones will try to guess which other assembly in the tool's menu seems most comparable to them, but there really isn't anything anywhere near close to R60 walls in most tools' menus. This is the sort of thing best left to actual engineers and performance building modelers.

        1. 阿诺德K。||#20


          >“…This is the sort of thing best left to actual engineers and performance building modelers."

          It's been a bit of a waste of money for me and I still don't have an accurate Manual J to submit with my building permit or to provide the HVAC contractor.

          You wouldn't happen to be looking for some work by any chance Dana?

          Thank you,

      2. Jon R||#21

        Given how common errors are, standard advice needs to be to provide the load results AND all of the inputs (so one can verify them).

        On other hand, a 6K overestimate on a 30K 1:1 mini-split load only has a significant effect if it forces much more expensive equipment (it typically doesn't).

        1. 阿诺德K。||#23

          Hi Jon,

          我得到的是30k BTU的负载,但是我在HVAC中并不是很知识,因此如果真正的负载接近25k,我不会惊讶,因为这里的建议是被动的房屋建造者。

          Thank you,

  8. CRC1||#22

    No matter what there are built in assumptions and estimations in all models that cannot be mathematically eliminated. Good luck with "actual engineers", some are more "actual" than others and it might be hard to tell which is which since most will likely claim to be.


  9. 阿诺德K。||#24

    Is it better to go with two ceiling concealed unit, one for each floor for zoning or one Multi-Position air handling unit for the entire house?
    All of these would be installed in the utility room.


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