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HVAC for Detached Garage

肖恩A.|发布了General Questions

我计划一个漂亮的节能独立的48x60x14建筑/车间,我是建造者(我为生做了什么)我问了几周前关于鞘的问题。我的计划将是2×6墙,带有R23 rockwool,7/16 OSB,带有胶带接缝,Tyvek,1.5英寸的EPS或Polyiso,最有可能在内墙和天花板上的Intello,因为我有一些大项目遗留下来。它将带有R60的抬起脚跟屋顶桁架。我也将有2“的子平板绝缘。建筑物将有3-12×12车库门,1名男子门和6窗口。我将在车库门周围做一些额外的垫圈,以帮助空气密封。建筑物将有一个分割墙,将2,880平方英尺分成约1,000和1,880。我在气候区5a。我在这个国家,丙烷是我的气体来源。你会为HVAC做什么? I was planning on going ahead and running pex for in floor radiant heat. And then I figured a couple (or more?) mini split heads. I would have to run a gas line over to the building for the boiler on the radiant which wouldn’t be a huge deal. Open to suggestions/opinions on what you would change and what system you would go with. Thank you!

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  1. Paul Wiedefeld||#1

    Hi Shaun,



    1. 肖恩A.||#2

      Thanks for the reply! It will be used quite a bit. Would like to keep the min temp at around 55 most likely. My woodworking shop will be in it on one side and then I will have a lift and other car stuff on the other side! Our electric is $0.0504 per kWh and our LP is $2.79/gal.

      1. Paul Wiedefeld||#3



        At $.054/kwh, a heat pump would run you about $5.25/MMBtu with a COP of 3 (easily exceeded if you’re keeping lower indoor temps). Even if your total electric rate is $.15/kWh, still half propane.

        I think some attention should be paid to the ductless splits - their filters aren’t designed for dusty environments. A ducted system could fit some large and deep air filters to keep the equipment clean.

        1. 肖恩A.||#4

          I have an older bill That is where I got that $.050. Something else I should look for? I could do a ducted unit with exposed ductwork. Should I have a professional Man J done so I can pick the correct equipment? Thanks for the help

          1. Paul Wiedefeld||#5

            If that rate includes generation, transmission and distribution, that should be pretty comprehensive. Basically, every cost that’s per kWh should be summed. The manual J is a good plan, the garage doors are a wildcard.

  2. W Ramsay.||#6

    I faced a similar issue. Mine is garage+foyer+bathroom on ground level and woodshop/photo studio + office on the second level. DC is in a closet on the 1st level. This is Minnesnowta.

    Heat Part I: In-floor radiant was only realistic heat choice as running any kind of forced air when dust is being made just doesn't work unless you like to stop every 10 minutes to clean/change filters. I have 4 zones; Garage (which is fully insulated separate from the rest of the zones), Foyer+bathroom+DC (t-stat is in bathroom and this zone is mostly to keep the bathroom warm, the foyer is just along for the ride), Office (which is fully insulated separate from everything else) and shop/studio space. The plan is to keep the garage @ 42°f unless working in there and the shop/studio @ 50°f unless working in there. The bathroom (+ foyer) will be kept @ 60° and turned up when others are there for a photo shoot. It also has a Toto heated seat. Office likely 68-70°f.

    COOL A PART I:我在办公室上方的夹层中安装了一个大型变速风扇(7400 CFM IIRC)。在很多天时,我应该能够打开一些窗户,以低速打开这扇粉丝,并有足够的冷却(以及一些空中木粉尘的排气)。当我从木工切换到照片拍摄时,通过清洁,尽可能高兴地将风扇转换为高,然后用叶子鼓风机穿过空间来获得最终微小的比特。

    Heat/Cool Part II: 3 head heat-pump ductless mini-split. Two ductless heads in gables of shop/studio space and a ceiling cassette in the office. These work quite well for cooling the spaces in summer and even get enough cool air sinking down to the bathroom. They are not a primary heat source but can help to warm things up faster than waiting on the slabs to warm up. I hope to avoid running these very much when making dust.

    循环:我还有一个用于空气循环的管道+ 650 CFM鼓风机。一端在东端的山墙中,另一端在西端门厅的地板上。

    Ventilation: The DC closet can vary the amount of return air to the shop vs outside so in some cases I'll crack a window and let the DC and/or big exhaust fan do some exhaust side ventilation. I do not have an ERV or HRV ($$$'s). I'll monitor CO2 levels to see how things go and if necessary install one but I'm already over budget on this project. My hope is that there's enough space that with windows/doors opening/closing and maybe running the circ fan a bit that I'll get enough ventilation.

    1. 肖恩A.||#7

      Awesome!! Thanks for the info!

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