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HVAC “leaking”

本杰明·卡蒂德(Benjamin Katydid)|发布Mechanicals


I don’t know whether it’s related, but the unit has been throwing “blower motor fault” off and on since they commissioned it. We got twenty such faults throughout the last couple hours of this morning. Is that related?

Our contractor has tried to assert that our attic is the problem. Whether that is true or not, he agreed to install a unit in that attic, so I need him to fix it. It’s not clear what the fix has gotta be, though. Any ideas?

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  1. etekberg||#1


  2. 沃尔特·阿尔格里姆(Walter Ahlgrim)||#2

    In my opinion duck work and equipment in the attic is a laze and dumb decision that saddles the homeowner with at least 25% higher operating costs. Sorry if I hurt anyone’s feeling.


    Option 1. Install the code required R8 insulation wrap around the ducts. Before insulating the ducts consider sealing the leaks in the ducts. Very leaky uninsulated ducts could double your operating costs.

    Option 2. Is to remove the current insulation and apply new spray foam insulation to the bottom of the roof sealing the attic from outdoors then add vents from the ducts into the attic and condition the attic air to the same temp as the house. This option makes the surface area of the conditioned space 25% larger and limits your R value because spray foam is very expensive per R per square foot compared to fluffy stuff on the attic floor.



  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3

    The ducts & air handler need to be insulated to a code-min R8 with an air-impermeable exterior facer/skin. The laws of physics are self-enforcing- when the temperature of a surface is below the dew point of the proximate air condensation will form on that surface.



    Find out from the manufacturer what conditions cause the blower motor fault. The system isn't really "commissioned" until that gets resolved. It's possible that the air flow is too low (often due to ducts being too small, or a crummy restrictive filter) the supply ducts will be colder than normal, creating even more condensation. Something like that could be related to the blower motor fault condition.

    Mapping the static pressure drops across the system with a dual-port manometer is something the HVAC contractor should be able to do (if not, you can with a $100- $150 box-store manometer and some investment in your time). If it turns out the duct design is OK but the filter is too restrictive with a big pressure drop, cutting in an oversized 4-6" deep pleated filter would allow more flow. This sort of problem is all stuff that the contractor should have figured out up front.

    通常,高SEER设备需要粘性管(或较低的CFM空气处理器)来处理现有的管道系统,但可能能够与较小,更右尺寸的热泵一起使用。美国绝大多数的交流和热泵系统都严重过大,通常超过2倍的矿石更大,用于设计冷却或加热负荷。1.2倍超大的热泵,用于1%的设计条件冷却负荷和0.9-1.2倍的加热负荷可能具有足够低的CFM,可以使用较小的1或2速老式Seer 10类型的较小的预先存在的管道系统。

  4. 本杰明·卡蒂德(Benjamin Katydid)||#4

    感谢大家。几个承包商表演Man J计算,并提出了2.5或3吨。我们安装了2吨,因为a)一位承包商说,这就是适合我们现有的管道的原因,b)我们已经做了很多事情来密封信封,并且在他们的模型中没有考虑到这一点。


  5. ChadStover||#5

    Benjamin, I have a Carrier heat pump and air handler installed last year with a similar issue. It's not the Greenspeed but the model below that with 5 different speeds. When the weather is hot and humid (I'm in Delaware, on the coast), I often get errors 44 and 40 related to the blower motor. The unit shuts down. Sometimes it corrects itself and restarts.
    有时需要一天左右。的英斯达ller replaced everything but the air handler box last August. We had no issues until late June of this year. Now the same error codes are appearing again.
    I should note that I have the same air handler installed in a downstairs utility closet and I have had no problems with that unit. I've also never seen condensation on that unit.

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