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Insulating 1950’s Tectum roof from exterior – Air barrier ?

Scott Grobarek|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我有一个房子,建于1957年,最初是一个summer place on a lake. Climate zone 5, just outside of Chicago, IL. Roof is a timber (3.5″x5″) frame at 32″ o.c. with what appears to be Tectum I, 2″ thick structural roof deck panels (2’x8′ long). Current roof assembly yields me a whopping R3.5, which naturally means ice dam-nation every winter as we melt everything that lands on our roof. Apparently all previous owners did not care or did not know how to remedy.


我计划将4英寸至6英寸的Polyiso添加到Tectum屋顶甲板的顶部,然后在32“ O.C.用头三螺钉拧在每个木材上,并在毛茸茸的上面带有CDX胶合板。我计划使用连续的山脊通风孔和森林斯(Fascia)的山脊通风孔和珊瑚带在山脊和排水沟后面的排气(我已经解决了这个细节)。



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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1


    If you want to save money, you can use the polyiso as your air barrier. If you have more than one layer of polyiso, the polyiso seams of the second layer should be staggered with respect to the first layer; it never hurts to tape the seams of both layers with high quality tape.

    一些建筑商担心刚性泡沫可能会收缩。如果您属于该类别,则可能应该投资于Polyiso下的Ice&Water Shield或欧洲膜。

  2. Scott Grobarek||#2


    I was planning on taping and staggering my layers regardless, so if it does indeed shrink (have not witnessed it as of yet), I have a second defense.


  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Another product you might consider is synthetic roofing underlayment (although that product is not usually sold as an air barrier).

  4. Scott Grobarek||#4


    One question that did come up was volume of vent space. I am planning 1.5" above the foam for vent space, but realized that I might be choking it down at the soffits with the coravent at 3/4" thick. Is 3/4" vent space enough above the foam or is 1.5" preferred? I have seen instances showing both. if 3/4" is ok, it would allow me to add another R-5 between studs.

  5. Alan Wester||#5




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