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Insulating a metal building that has house wrap

JR662| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I have a 40×60 metal building that was wrapped with house wrap then the metal over that. I’m now firing out the walls and want to know the proper way to insulate with batting. Do I put it up against the house wrap or do I leave a small gap between the wrap and the insulation.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    It appears as if there is a ~4" gap between the girts and the 2x4 studs- is that right?

  2. JR662||#2

    Dana, yes sir that is correct 4” gap

    1. Expert Member
      Dana Dorsett||#3

      What is the US DOE climate zone, and the profile of the metal siding (corrugated, flat, etc.) ?

  3. JR662||#4

    we’re in north Idaho and the siding is corrugated with house wrap underneath it.

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