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How to stop odor coming through common wall

shinterface|发布了General Questions

We have a commercial property (See A) built in the 1950s that is next door to a Cigar Shop (See B). Odor from the cigar shop is seeping into our property through the interior brick walls between the properties. The smell is intense and affecting business. I believe there is little to no installation between the two properties. Would sealing the wall with apolyethylene paint minimize the odor? What else can be done? Sorry, I’m very inexperience and if this the wrong forum, I apologize.


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  1. Expert Member
    Peter Yost||#1


    If this wall either is or can be concealed, best thing would be a fluid-applied barrier, such as Sto Emerald Cote, such recommended here:


    1. shinterface||#5

      Thanks Peter. Where can I tell my contractor to buy Sto Emerald Cote?

  2. Expert Member


    If you want to have the exposed brick look, getting it tuckpointed and clear coat over the whole thing is about the only option.

    Lot of times the problem isn't in the bricks but the floor joists. Older building will have the floor joists pocketed into the wall, sometimes the floor joists from one place stick all the way through to the other place. Even if the floor joist doesn't stick through, there are usually big cracks and gaps in this area. Usually the only way to seal that up is dropping part of the ceiling and spray foam over the area.


    1. shinterface||#6

      Thanks Akos. The building has a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor, so I'm assuming I would have to remove the wood flooring near the wall and examine the floor joist.

      1. Expert Member



  3. Jon R.||#3


  4. Expert Member

    First thing to do is to make sure there are no shared air ducts between the two spaces (buildings?). Damper off anything that is shared, but be sure you don’t inadvertently cause any problems for the system.


    If all else fails, try pressurizing the space slightly with outdoor air, being careful to position the air intake so that it doesn’t suck in any of the offending odors. A small duct booster fan running “backwards” is probably sufficient. Remember that regular wall/roof vents have dampers that will block airflow going into the building, so you’ll need something without a damper.


  5. shinterface||#7

    Thanks Bill. Can you recommend a duct booster fan? Your post was very informative.

    1. Expert Member


      All you need to do is provide enough pressurized airflow going INto the building to cancel out whatever natural air intake there would otherwise be through cracks and leaks. You want to make sure the only air coming in comes through your fan, and that all the random leaks flow air OUT of your space. This way you're able to control what is coming in. Make sure there is an air filter on that inlet too, otherwise you're likely to suck in all kinds of random stuff (bugs, cottonwood fuzzies, etc.).


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