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How to deal with odor coming up from basement?

David Monaghan|发布能源效率和耐用性


House is 120 years old. Basement has two areas–main one about 1600 square feet and other under rear extension about 200 sq. ft. Half of main basement is 6 ft high, rest is 3 ft. Extension is all 3 ft. crawl space. Basement has vapour barrier on floor and spray foam on walls. No insulation below floor of living area. Access is via steps outside house. Basement has moderate odour (worse in extension) but is quite dry with humidity around 50%. Old well in basement is sealed off except for small hole to allow sump pump float.



Do you think i am on the right track? If so, what is best kind of fan to install permanently? Or should I install a Humidex? Would it be wise to add a second fan in the extension area as this is closed off from main basement apart from small entrance (about 2 by 3 ft)? Will running two fans cause any problems with pressure etc? Also, should I provide for make up air as required by US code (not sure about Canadian requirements). I am wary about opening up basement to living area into smells get up through vent. Blogs on this site offer varying opinions on the need for make up air. The main house has been retrofitted for improved energy efficiency but still has rate of 5.3 air changes an hour. Basement is pretty tight especially when I seal up the two small windows.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1


    A temporary solution would be to seal air leaks in your basement ceiling and to depressurize your basement with an exhaust fan, to limit the amount of basement air that reaches your living space. This approach wastes energy, and is therefore undesirable.

    An odor in your basement can have a variety of causes. It might be sewer gas, due to a plumbing problem. It might be a dead animal. Or it might be mold. You need to do a little detective work to find the source of your odor.

    如果您的地下室气味是霉菌,那么您需要采取所有必需的步骤来干燥地下室。这是一篇文章,可以帮助您处理该任务:Fixing a Wet Basement.



    Of course, an unbalanced HVAC distribution system can cause problems. If you suspect that your supply ducts and return ducts aren't balanced, you should hire a home performance contractor to check your duct system. All of the seams in your duct system should be sealed with mastic, and you need to be sure that the air flows through your supply system and return system are balanced.

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