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Interior Insulation Retrofit of Masonry Walls


I am working with a contractor to buy a ~1900 stone house in the Philadelphia area. Currently the house has been reduced to bare walls and flooring. The architect has called for a simple 2×4 stud with fibreglass batt insulation with a 2″ air gap. I am concerned that despite stuffing the studs with R20, the effective R will be considerably lower due to the thermal break of the wood stud and lack of Air Barrier. The architect has also not suggested any insulation in the basement floor, which is to be 1/2 completed.

2×2 furring strips (providing 1.5″ air gap)
Comfortboard 80
2×4 studs with Comfortbatt

I am now however reading from Building Science that masonry walls should in fact be sealed from the inside with closed-cell foam if possible to stop freeze-thaw inside the gap when the temperature significantly drops from the inside insulation. The temperature does get down to 10F around this time of year so I can see a situation where the temperature differential inside the house will be significant. I had thought that using a permeable Rockwool would enable vapour transmission for drying, but had not considered the temperature issue.

Any thoughts are warmly welcomed because Building Science often discusses only brick, and I am unclear if a 16″ stone wall would be a similar proposition.

Thank you

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  1. Expert Member

    SPF Over Stone Foundation是必经之路。

    It is hard to air seal a lumpy surface any other way. With an insulated assembly the stone will be very cold, in cold climate interior air leaks can condense on the stone and can create mold issues. Having an assembly that is vapor open, such as mineral wool, will only make this even worse by also allowing interior moisture to diffuse.


    Provided you deal with exterior water leaks, with SPF you won't have issues. Once the SPF is up and seals the foundation, you can fill the rest of the stud cavity with batt insulation. Important item is not to install a vapor barrier anywhere in the assembly.

    1. avatar_lucas||#2

      Thanks Akos. By SPF, I'm assuming you mean Spray Foam? I think Building Science recommend a Closed-Cell foam. I'm not entirely clear why that would be better than Open-Cell and the differences, but is that what you're suggesting with metal or wood studs?

      1. Expert Member

        Yup spray foam. Closed cell spf foam works well in this application as it is also a vapor retarder which is what you want. I would follow the BSC guidelines:

        I never understood the thinking behind metal studs in a basement. I guess maybe if you are very tight on space a thin 1 5/8" steel wall makes sense. If the conditions are bad enough to cause issues with wood studs you have much bigger problems than the construction of your walls.

        Metal studs are also a pretty big thermal bridge, you loose about half the R value of the insulation you put between them. I would only use metal studs if required by code.

        1. avatar_lucas||#4



          1. Expert Member

            您可以尝试使用Dimple Mat提供排水层,但是很难在不平坦的切石粉底上正确安装。

            我同意阿科斯(Akos)的观点,即闭孔喷雾泡沫是这里要去的方式 - 砖石墙和未通风的大教堂天花板是两种大型利基应用,喷雾泡沫确实是最好的选择。在足够厚的层中,闭孔喷雾泡沫是一种蒸气屏障,但这不是砌体的问题,因为砌体并不真正在乎它是否湿,因此不需要干燥。如果您有大量的水问题(从墙上流出了水),那么这是通过分级,排水沟以及可能的砾石和法国排水口在外部最好解决的问题。


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