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Is it OK to use Tapcon anchors to fasten the wood plate to the concrete block?

Herb Mathis| Posted inBuilding Code Questionson

I`m removing a non-functional 6FT. aluminum sliding door and replacing it with a 3ft. steel entry door. When we removed the old 6ft. door we found that the cement blocks (existing) were all loose,cracked & or broke. and the wood was also rotting. My plan is to make a 2″x 8′ step wall out of treated lumber and fasten it to the existing solid blocks with the Tapcons. I`m not sure if it is ok to do this that way. Or if I have to put bolts or rods in with cement the core of the block.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    We need more information.

    1. How many concrete blocks are "loose, cracked, or broken"?

    2. Do you plan to remove the loose, cracked, or broken blocks?

    3. What is a "2"x 8' step wall"?

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