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is there something i can insulate my floor with?

科尔顿坎特维尔| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Our house is pier and beam. I am about to refloor a room with pallet planks. I was wondering if there was something i could lay between the subfloor osb and the new flooring i will be installing that will act as an insulation.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    How much of a rise in floor height can you tolerate?

  2. 科尔顿坎特维尔||#2

    Up to about 4 inches but I was hoping to hear a radiant heat foil or something i don't have to add a new floor on.-- wanting to just have something between the osb sub and the pallet planks that can be also a moisture barrier if possible.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3

    Heat reflective foils require an air gap to work at all, and an air gap on BOTH sides to have any performance worth mentioning.

    If you have 4" to work with you could add 3" of rigid EPS held down by a layer of 1/2" OSB long-screwed to the structural subfloor, staggering the seams of the foam & OSB by a foot or so. Tha would give you about R13-14 "whole-assembly" for the stackup, which is roughly equivalent to the performance of a 2x6 wall with R20 cavity-fill. Putting a layer of 6-mil poly between the new OSB and foam would keep spillage from finding it's way down to the structural subfloor.

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