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Something in my house is irritating me and others

Helpmewithmyhouse|发布了General Questions




——第二个故事wa 1.5故事的房子s gutted and all old insulation (fibreglass and wood chips) removed. A lot of dust had accumulated on the insulation over the 60+years.
- 第二个故事目前正在恢复:膝盖壁和罗西矿棉的阁楼侧的泡沫。用闭孔喷雾泡沫喷涂45个屋顶和棚屋墙壁。(可悲的人似乎在拆除开始之前具有过敏反应。)
-The house does not have insulation in the walls on the main floor – just heavy felt like paper with silver paper attached and thick plaster board.
房子里没有少量闻到 - 除了高湿度夏季的地下室外。我认为霉味是从混凝土地下地板或暖气的湿气偷窥或撞击地下室墙壁。没有可见的水分迹象。地板都是混凝土 - 没有地毯,地板上没有纸箱。地下室春季湿度如何达到约。20-30%,取决于当天。
-The shingles were recently replaced and a synthetic runner was used as underlayment. There was previously no underlayment. The wood on the roof is original – long pieces with small gaps between each piece. There were some leaks on the shed dormer. I had all the old wood removed and replaced it with fir plywood. A few of the rafters were dark with mold – not the fuzzy kind of mold. They must have experienced the brunt of the leaks. They are not rotten. I’ve washed them with soap and water and sprayed them with concrobium. I’ve also rented a concrobium mister and misted the upstairs.
-And in general the house does not have a “fresh” feel about it like well constructed new assemblies do. I attribute that to the lack of insulation and age of the house.

I hope I’m not biasing the discussion by seeming to point to mold as the culprit.

Could it be something other than mold, mold spores? Obviously dust may be an issue.


Any thoughts / suggestions?


Thank you.

GBA Prime


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  1. GBA Editor

    Two observations:

    1. You wrote that "The second story is currently being put back together." In other words, it sounds like you are living in a house that is being renovated. If that's the case -- if you are living in a construction site -- then ordinary construction dust could be causing the reactions you describe.

    2. You didn't describe your home's ventilation system. If your house has no ventilation system, it's time to install one. Here are links to two relevant articles:

    "Designing a Good Ventilation System"


    1. Helpmewithmyhouse||#6

      Does it make sense to install a ventilation system (hrv or erv) in a leaky house? The rate of air exchange is already pretty high!

  2. Expert Member

    If you’re concerned there are airborne contaminants in your house, you may want to hire an environmental consulting company to do some testing. Note that these companies are usually doing commercial work, so they tend to not really advertise. A lot of companies that claim to do this work for residences are not exactly professional operations.


    You don’t want to filter your indoor air until the test company is done testing.


  3. GBA Editor

    我不同意票据/ Zephyr关于测试。有关更多信息,请参阅“室内空气质量测试不应该是第一次移动。”

    For my take on indoor air quality, see this article:"All About Indoor Air Quality."

  4. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#4

    As I was doing our deep energy retrofit of our 100+ year old house room by room over a 12 year period, we lived in the house, including my older daughter who is an asthmatic.


    Try isolating workspaces before doing anything else.


    1. Jon R.||#5

      Similar to depressurizing the work space is to pressurize the living space. Works well in summer and also reduces contamination from non-work related things (like mold in other walls).


      1. Expert Member

        通常可以更加减轻潜在的污染区域,而不是试图加压相邻区域。原因在于减压区域不会对外部有任何泄漏 - 任何空气泄漏只是吸入受污染区域并出去鼓风机。没有什么能摆脱遏制区域。在专业设置(如石棉减排机组人员)中,用于减压遏制区域的排气鼓风机具有过滤器,使得没有污染物离开该地区。




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