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Looking for storm door detail

user-976523| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I have added 2 layers of 1 inch foam and then 1×4 vert, furring . but having trouble finding out how to or were to put the storm door . it appears i have to put it on the ext. foam but that leaves a big gap between the entry door. just looking for some plan details . this sight shows window and door details but dont show any door detail. any help would be great. thank you

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Hopefully, your exterior rigid foam is not visible at the entry door. The foam around the door opening should be trimmed with jamb trim and head trim.

    Assuming that this trim is in place, a storm door can be hinged on the exterior casing or on the door jamb -- it's up to you.

  2. user-976523||#2

    thank you for the responce, after adding the foam and jamb ext. then mounting storm door, it created a 2inch gap from were the storm door sweep is to be sitting on entry door sill or threshold, to not sitting on any thing ,the slip down adj, sweep on storm does not slide down far enough to seal , which would be sealing on the concrete of front porch if it could be adj. any further.. I would think this is a common isssue with installing 1 inch plus ext. rigid foam, but still no entry door details. thank you again for the responce.

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