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LVP in Zone 6 Basement – Subfloor options?

ZachWheeler| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I’m moving to a newly built house in Climate Zone 6. The basement slab is uninsulated but does have a VB under it.

I want to install LVP as my flooring and I’m looking at options for my 1000sqft basement (only 800sqft will be finished)

Option 1 –LVP 6mm directly on concrete = $2.43/sqft = $1,944

Option 2 – 1-Step + OSB + LVP
1-Step = $0.80/sqft = $640
5/8″ OSB = $1.33/sqft = $1060
Total w/ LVP = $3,644 or $4.56/sqft

Option 3 – 1.5″ XPS + LVP
Owens 1.5″ XPS = $1.28/sqft = $1,025
Total = $2,969 or $3.71/sqft

My gut feeling is to go with Option 1. I have that in my current home and it’s fine, albeit a little cold on the feet. Option 2 seems like a lot of added expense just to gain a slight air gap. Option 3 gets me the most insulation, but I’m unsure how LVP will perform directly on top of foam.


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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#1

    Zach, there have been a lot of questions very similar to yours lately--see if anything here helps you:

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