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Mini Split Distance Below Ceiling

grahamgreenman| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I’m putting in a 12k BTU HAIER Arctic mini split (same as the GE Endure) but I have limited space above the closet. The unit is 12.2″ tall and the height above my closet is only 14″.

Will a 2″ gap vs. a 4″ gap above the unit effect efficiency? Fujitsu only calls for 2″ but their units are quite unsightly and about 30% more expensive with a similar HSPF rating. Given that the Haier 18kBTU unit also calls for 4″ it seems like the 12k BTU unit would be fine with less height overhead? I talked to an Haier technical specialist and he didn’t seem too concerned, he said I will still be able to install the unit but couldn’t address the efficiency question.

Anyone have experience here?

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  1. Expert Member

    Getting the unit too close to the ceiling does reduce the airflow. Depending on how close the unit is sized for the load, this might not matter much. I've installed them with 3.5" gap (vs 5" spec) and had no issues. In your case reducing it by 1/2 would definitely effect flow.

    I would look at cutting into the trim above the closet and drop it down to the closer to the min spec. 12k is a big unit, hope this is not for a bedroom under 1000sqft.

    1. grahamgreenman||#2

      Thanks Akos, I'll post an update here in a few months once I know how the unit performs at 2-3" clearance from the ceiling.

      This is for a 650sqf living room in a poorly insulated house with 4 large windows, the 9k BTU unit didn't seem quite large enough so I settled for the 12k.

  2. grahamgreenman||#3

    I ended up installing the 2 units in my home, one just 2" below the ceiling and it's been working great. To anyone looking at purchasing the GE Endure / HAIER Artic series I would definitely recommend. Top of the line efficiency, very modern looking indoor and outdoor units and they're also priced fairly.

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