Minisplit in California
我计划在加利福尼亚沿海地区拥有一个640 FT2的奶奶单位。我浏览了博客,但没有找到所需的答案。该建筑物将是独立的和高度隔热的。我想使用一个迷你拆分,因为即使距海洋仅1英里(第3区),我也需要一些冷却能力。乘员有MS,并且非常容易过热。任何人都可以推荐一个由CEC批准在加利福尼亚使用的迷你切片。我花了一些时间查看他们的数据库,但我发现在那里找不到任何东西。
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That's news to me. Do any other GBA readers have more information in this issue? Is there a published list of CEC-approved ductless miniplits?
IIRC在CA标题24 2008年(目前有效)的IIRC必须具有最低HSPF为7.7的最低HSPF,以在CA下在Title 24下进行供暖,而在大多数迷你片中,跨越13或更高的先知,障碍物很容易清除。除此之外,SFAIK没有安装它们的特殊认证和标签要求 - 没有“ CEC批准的设备列表”,只是最低效率规格。
Somewhat dicier, mechanical systems may not be oversized by more than 15% for the load(s) per a Manual-J calculation, which may be impossible to meet for small-house small-load situations, even with a 3/4ton mini-split. There bits in the code for HVAC systems regarding ducts that don't apply with mini-split, nor does the code sufficiently address the fact that most high efficiency mini-splits are fully modulating systems with more than 3:1 turn down, and will actually run at somewhat higher average efficiency when oversized for the peak loads by about 25%.
Then there's the refrigerant charge inspection verication rules that can't always be strictly complied with. Mini-split issues are currently under active investigation for purposes of updating the CEC for 2013 (which becomes effective January 1 2014) since much of the verbiage in current code presumes ducted split systems, with refrigerant charge verification methods commonly used in split systems that simply can't be followed in all ductless cases due to real structural differences eg:
And see section on page 51 (.pdf pagination) here:
But SFAIK that has never stopped mini-splits from being installed in CA, as long as they meet the 7.7HSPF/SEER13 minimums, and are often a listed feature in deep energy retrofits presented as exemplary projects, eg:
Title 24 2008 in fact DID make accommodating specifications for PTHP/PTAC units, but for somehow mini-splits escaped the regulatory radar when that was being drafted. See:
Bottom line, aside from a potential oversizing specification issue for such a tiny/low-load space, almost ALL mini-splits would exceed the basic raw efficiency requirements under the CEC with margin. There is no special certification or labeling step required for approval- just published & verifiable HSPF and SEER numbers that meet the spec. With literally hundreds of mini-split installers in the state, you'd probably have to go way out of your way to find a mini-split for sale in CA that wouldn't pass muster with the CEC.
Thanks very much for the helpful information.