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Moisture Coming Through New Pavers Over Concrete Pool Patio

Ilevel.|发布了General Questions

My first post here and unfortunately its not a good one.
I had a mason recently install Cement pavers over an existing concrete patio around my pool area, some of the area was grass and they laid gravel and sand to level it out so it would be even with the concrete (This area you can see no moisture is seeping through the pavers).
There is a ton of moisture seeping through where the joint sand is and my mason is adamant that the sand was incorrect.I gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him put new polymeric sand in.The moisture is still appearing but now it seems more evident than ever. This is now three weeks into the finished job and it just will not disappear. I have sen someone else posted this topic but wanted to see if anyone could please advise me on the issue.
I am in the east coast Connecticut and the weather the since the job was done has been at an average of mid 50’s.
Please see attachment.
I thank you for your time and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  1. PAsun||#1

    We need to find out more information here to narrow the causes down.

    How old is the concrete the pavers sit on? Water does evaporate from curing concrete over time so we just want to make sure curing concrete is not the source here. I'm guessing it's not that new.

    You mentioned polymeric sand was used to lock the pavers. Did the mason spray water over the surface to set the sand? Did he lift any of the pavers to check for moisture under the pavers when he re-did the sand? If he added more sand and again wet locked it there is now more moisture under the pavers. If he used a pressure washer to blow out the initial polymeric sand there is even more moisture under the pavers. Any rain you have had will not help this situation. Since it's only been in the 50's and much colder at night it may take a while to dry.

    Was the concrete slab level to begin with? Pitched properly? If not moisture could be pooling underneath the pavers and then wicking up or evaporating through the joints


  2. Ilevel.||#2

    The concrete at a rough guess would be maybe 12-15 years old.
    Yes the Concrete slab was pitched correctly as when I was getting estimates for this job I also had a new liner put in the pool and had pool companies inspect the area.

    Hope these answers help.

  3. Ilevel.||#3


  4. PAsun||#4

    Good to hear the concrete is pitched correctly.

    Are there screenings under the pavers or do they sit right on the concrete?

  5. Ilevel.||#5

    I met with the mason yesterday and posed some questions to him.
    The pavers he said were laid on top of the concrete and they laid onto the cement ( no screeners as far as what I know).I asked if there should be some sand to absorb the moisture and I don't recall him laying the sand. He did say that due to the cold weather it may take time for the Polymeric sand to harden He is monitoring this issue and I am awaiting his response. I will update with any info I have.

  6. PAsun||#6



    1. Ilevel.||#7

      感谢你的回复。I will be sure to ask the mason this.

  7. Ilevel.||#8


  8. PAsun||#9


  9. Ilevel.||#10


  10. M_ARYLAND||#11



    I have a SIMILAR ISSUE: theres a “V-shaped” Wetness.


    BIGGEST Problem is- my House is barely 8months old.

    曲线球是摊铺机远离水/大型池塘的20英尺,导致河流 -

    Contractor said-


    Is the wetness under the pavers NORMAL???????



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