How is is possible? 底层地板安装地下室路基sogg时y. Basement generally has many walls and few windows - perhaps windows on only one side, so limited air movement. Mold starts.
Advantechis amazing stuff but it's not mold-proof; when the temperature is in the 50-80° range and there is a source of moisture, mold will likely develop, it's just a matter of time, so remove the moisture source quickly.
三个主要动作可以减少这种情况的可能性: 1. Do not install subfloor when the basement or crawl space subgrade is wet - delay framing until if is dry and there are a few days of dry weather to complete framing. As a practical matter, this also means delaying the framing of the subfloor, because the framing will block sunshine and delay the drying, and because your framers won't want to mobilize twice. Once the Advantec is installed, far less water gets through to the space below. 2.使用诸如拉链护套之类的产品进行屋顶甲板,然后将其粘上。正确地胶带将防止95%或更多的水入侵并保持子分级干燥。 3.即使在上述两个问题之后,也要在爬网/地下室中管理水分,因此将除湿机放在那里,尽快安装外围底层排水管等。
How is is possible?
底层地板安装地下室路基sogg时y. Basement generally has many walls and few windows - perhaps windows on only one side, so limited air movement. Mold starts.
您应该使用专门为去除霉菌而设计的产品,并且有许多产品可从Lysol,Mold Control等。如果令人讨厌的东西不是您的茶,也可以使用硼砂。
Advantechis amazing stuff but it's not mold-proof; when the temperature is in the 50-80° range and there is a source of moisture, mold will likely develop, it's just a matter of time, so remove the moisture source quickly.
1. Do not install subfloor when the basement or crawl space subgrade is wet - delay framing until if is dry and there are a few days of dry weather to complete framing. As a practical matter, this also means delaying the framing of the subfloor, because the framing will block sunshine and delay the drying, and because your framers won't want to mobilize twice. Once the Advantec is installed, far less water gets through to the space below.
I don't think the guarantee covers this, my recollection is it covers swelling and disintegrating.
Btw, newly built homes contain a lot of moisture and it's going to take some time for it to 'dry out" so good idea to run a dehumidifier for a while.
In that case don't remove the sheetrock and insulation. The mold will go dormant due to a lack of moisture and stay encapsulated inside the ceiling.