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Lynne MC.|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson


I’ve been reading quite a bit regarding air tight construction and the subsequent need for mechanical ventilation. One of the articles written many years ago “Are HRVs Cost-Effective?” surprised me, as I had always assumed the only option for an air-tight home was either HRV or ERV. I never knew about exhaust-only and supply-only ventilations. Also surprising was that HRV/ERVs are not always cost-effective, especially in a climate such as mine. Given this, I am now questioning the true energy savings of air-tight construction.

Given that exhaust and supply-only ventilation systems provide no heat transfer between exhaust air and supply air, then how are air-tight homes with these systems any more energy-efficient than comparable natural ventilation (ignore for now the IAQ)? In other words, if we built a house that was somewhat non-leaky, and just under the threshold for requiring mechanical ventilation, and this system provided naturally-ventilated fresh air at about the same rate a supply-only system would provide, then how is the supply-only system any better?


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  1. 查理沙利文||#1


    1. If it's leaky enough to get enough air on mild days, you'll get way more than you want on the coldest days, when it will hurt your energy use and comfort the most.


    3. exfiltration可以在冬季携带水分,并在冬天沉积露水或霜冻,导致在弹簧中腐烂和模具。



    Overall, I think that once you consider the comfort issues, the cost is pretty easy to justify.

    1. Lynne MC.||#2

      Thanks for your response Charlie. Your first comment is an excellent rationale I didn't previously understand. Your second and third comments, however, don't appear to be mitigated by exhaust-only or supply-only systems. In those cases, air is still forced through your building envelope (through leaks, cracks and holes), right? So, I think that means the IAQ still suffers. But, maybe I'm still confused. But regardless, I was more curious about the energy efficiency aspects. To pay extra for air tightness, then pay more again for the mechanical ventilation, then have to pay again for a dedicated duct system (to get the full IAQ) and HRV/ERV. Difficult to justify the upfront costs if the overall energy savings are small. If we decide to install an exhaust or supply-only system instead, then we lose the health benefits as well. It's tough to know the best course to take. Thanks again.

      1. 查理沙利文||#4


        您是否熟悉无导管的HRV / ERV单位,如LunoS?他们不便宜,但他们确实避免了管道安装成本。您也可以在大房子里使用几个较小的ERV单位而不是一个大的单位。

        另一个选择是供应或exhuast只有一个explicit passive vent for inlet or outlet, to avoid problems 2 or 3. In theory, you could even do passive vents only, and open and close them according to measured air quality and air flow through them, adjusting them automatically or manually according to the ventilation need and wind/stack effect conditions.

  2. Eli R||#3


    1. 专家成员


      A lot of builders here in coastal BC are opting for a balanced ventilation system with no heat recovery. Even in this mild climate I do hear a lot of complaints about comfort, as the code requires the air-supply to be into the bedrooms.


      1. 专家成员



  3. Lynne MC.||#7





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