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Need help finding blog post about various construction methods

Joseph Malovich| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

A year or more ago I read a blog post or article somewhere discussing the various types of construction methods and why high performance construction methods were better than the other methods.

It compared methods like cob houses, earthship, straw bale and basically led the reader to passive/netzero/pretty good methods as being the best from a user and owner standpoint based on construction costs, conventionality, resale value and other factors.

Can you link me to this article/website/blogpost?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    It doesn't ring a bell. However, you might want to see these articles:

    Earthship Hype and Earthship Reality

    Straw-Bale Walls

    Martin’s Pretty Good House Manifesto

    If none of these articles are the one you were thinking of, you might try checking out the links in the "Related Articles" sidebars included in these articles.

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