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New Construction Venting, 2:12 metal shed roof at wall?

James Patrick| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Planning my new home construction. Modern design 2:12 metal standing seam shed roofs.
Zone 5/B dry R-38 minimum, I want more. + Can get 4′ snow.

All 3 roofs will include TJI’s running full length from eve to top. 5/8″ CDX sheathing, 30# roofing felt with Gracy’s Ice & water shield at eves.

Center great room/ kitchen (36′ deep x 28′ wide) will be18′ high at front of house & 12′ at rear, easiest to vent.

两个卧室翼屋顶斜坡away from the center great room. They will both join onto the outside walls of the great room below its 2′ overhanging roof.

My concern is venting this low slope to wall intersection. I have googled & found several designs that would work if a bunch of snow was not piled up on them.

I’m thinking of building 1.5″ verticle vent chutes into the exterior of the walls up to the soffits.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Choose one of the commercial products designed for venting shed roofs that die into walls -- or design an unvented roof.

    For information on insulating an unvented cathedral roof, seeHow to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling.

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