New construction wall choice in Zone 6B
我正在蒙大拿州设计一所房子,我会疯狂地试图找出最好的墙类型。最大的问题是,我的母亲(房子是为谁)死于Vennerstone的石材饰面产品,即使是标准的壁板和干燥的气候,我也看到了该地区很多木质腐烂(我曾经安装Internet对于人们来说,我已经看到了很多爬行空间)。我们不会下雨,但冬季确实会得到大量的降雪和零度的温度,夏季100度以上,一年四季闻所未闻的大风(50-60英里 /小时)。
After doing a ton of research I came up with this:
6” stick frame with standard R-19 Batts
High R-value
让承包商做CI可能很难。这里周围的住宅建筑是Stick Frame和Tyvek,就是这样。
制造商的文档说½” Max可能会与泡沫2英寸的泡沫持有2英寸的贴面饰物有问题
Solid and rigid
Much simpler and easier to put up
Nothing to rot
除非我们使用额外的泡沫面板(如Logix D-RV),否则可能会有较低的R值。
ICF +额外的绝缘 +石材贴面将使墙壁构成令人难以置信的厚墙
I could only find a handful of contractors in the state
I am really leaning towards ICF, but I keep coming up with conflicting information regarding R-values, drain layers, average cost, and everything. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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R19s are practically "genuine imitation insulation" when applied to wall cavities. Installed perfectly they perform no better than R18 when compressed to 5.5" in a 2x6 cavity, and are such low density that any air leaks move air easily through the insulation. R20 mid-density batts are better, R21 fiberglass or R23 rock wool MUCH better.
XPS is the least green insulating material in common use due to it's HFC blowing agents (powerful green house gases). As the blowing agents diffuse out over time performance eventually drops to R4.2/inch (the same as EPS of similar density) even though it's warranteed to "90% of labeled R value". So at 2" the most should be counting on is R9, which is not sufficient for dew point control on R19 fiberglass (or R23 rock wool) in US climate zone 6B, which means it would need an interior side vapor retarder to keep the Densglass or cold side of the batts from accumulating frost/moisture over a winter. For R20 batts the IRC calls out a minimum of R11.25 on the exterior for dew point control using standard latex paint as the interior side vapor retarder.
使用3英寸1.5磅密度(又名“ II型”)EPS,以更加良性的戊烷吹来,几十年来稳定的性能将在第一天和现在从现在起50年提供R12.6,这足够了高密度玻璃纤维或岩石羊毛板的露点控制。
使用“再生屋面polyiso 3(非常便宜的,when/where it's available) would deliver about R15 performance in that stackup. Using reclaimed 1.25lb density roofing EPS (Type VIII) would deliver R12.5, which is plenty for R21 fiberglass, marginal for R23 rock wool in the colder parts of zone 6B, but fine on the warmer parts.
Also any suggestions on where to look for reclaimed roofing polyiso?
There is nothing wrong with using any of the fiberglass mat gypsum sheathing products (ie Densglass) in structural application, just have to follow the fastener schedule.
As for veneer, the usual problem is the WRB. Lot of installs skimp on this or don't detail the window/door ares well thus the water and rot issues. I see a lot of installs over bare plywood around here, that is asking for trouble.
The WRB is what worries me the most, as I need to be very careful to make sure the right stuff goes on or the contractors will throw it on the bare plywood. Any suggestions on WRB products?
The cost of ICF is what leads me to most of the conflicting information I come across. The only price comparisons I can find are ICF vs basic stick framing with no mention of CI, that that is definitely more expensive, but some sources claim that after time labor costs are factored in they come out pretty close with ICF maybe a couple dollars a foot more. After adding in the CI then ICF might be about the same price, but, i admit, this is a guess coming from the information I gathered. Do you have any data or sources breaking down the costs between the two?
The insulated sheathing products with built in WRB or densglass with roll on WRB is harder to mess up. If you are going with stone veneer, spec paper backed metal lath for extra insurance.
If ICF was cheap, you would see it in track homes. Forms are expensive, concrete is expensive (also a very high embodied energy building material), people that know how to build with it are harder to find. Also with ICF you need to put drywall on the basement even if you don't intend to finish it (at least around here).
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