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下一个节能项目?1982 home

StefanKe|发布General Questions


Family of 4 living in a 1982 two story house plus basement in NC. 3300 sqft.
Cathedral ceiling living room; two attics at either end of the house. One above the two upstairs bedrooms and one above the master bedroom next to the living room.
$210 electric last month (1854 kWh) which puts me right at the average of our comparison group of homes provided by Duke Energy.

I am trying to decide what project should be prioritized next.

1.用50加仑(能源指南$ 420)更换80加仑电热水器(620美元的能源指南)

2.用50加仑的热泵罐(能源指南$ 120),更换80加仑电热水器(620美元的能源指南)

Remove old insulation on attic floor

4. Rigid foam board sandwiched between roof rafters, seal with spray foam cans, then another layer of foam board on rafters held in place by strapping.
Remove old insulation on attic floor


6. Install PV system on roof portion of living room. Due to the cathedral ceiling I can’t easily add insulation but the PV system would be structured with larger style panels to cover as much of the living room roof surface as possible to get some additional shade on the roof.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hi StefanKe.


    In that way, what jumps out at me on your list is to air seal the attic floors. I'd try to save the blown in fiberglass and add more insulation, if you can shuffle it around while you do the air sealing work.

    I think you'd need someone to do some energy modeling to tell you if and when it made sense to add the PV system vs. some of the other potential projects.

  2. Expert Member

    I’ll second what Brian said about air sealing the attic floor as your next project. There are a lot of potential gains from doing that.

    If you’re thinking of using #4 to create an unvented roof, don’t. Cut and cobble is not a good idea with unvented roofs since you can’t trust it to stay sealed.





  3. Expert Member
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#3

    >"Spray foam roof deck in both attics with 5.5″ open cell. That’s only R18 but the contractor insists on the added air sealing capabilities when I asked for R30 ( ~8 ” of open cell). Concerns are roof leaks, thermal bridging of rafters
    Remove old insulation on attic floor"

    Remove old insulation on attic floor"

    That would likely increase energy use, if the ducts and attic floor are reasonably air tight.

    如果隔热屋顶甲板只有R18 do NOT remove the insulation at the attic floor, except where needed at the roof edges to create the near-perfect air seal.

    正如其他人所指出的那样,切入的泡沫泡沫是有风险的,而且耗时。热桥after架也抢走了它的潜力 - 将高r/英寸昂贵(环境和财务上)泡沫放在after绕after边缘以下的连续层中,然后将after架留空了要好得多。算一算:


    If going that route, unless it's full of rodent crap, just move only the insulation as-necessary for air sealing over the lighting cans, flue/stack/electrical/duct boot penetrations, and the seams of partition walls to the ceiling gypsum, etc, then blow cellulose OVER the pre-existing fiberglass to a combined depth of 11-14". As little as 3" of cellulose over the top makes up for any deficiencies of low density fiberglass, restoring it to it's fully rated performance. You may not have enough headroom to get 14" of insulation all the way out over the top plates of the exterior walls, but that's how much it takes to hit current IRC code minimum in the climate zone 4A & 5A (the cooler half of NC), but 11" (~R38 after it settles) is enough to make it the zone 3A portion.

    The difference in cost between R30 and R50 is much smaller than you might think, and the difference between R30 and R38 is smaller still, especially if it's an over-blow rather than a full replacement. And it's WAY cheaper than insulating at the roof & rafters, no matter what method is use.

    Brian's suggestion about air sealing the attic floor is right- that's really Job #1 and the best bang/buck, followed closely by air sealing (and insulating) the lowest level of the house, whether it's a full basement, crawlspace or slab-on grade. The highest and lowest leaks in the house are the most important, since that defines the total stack effect pressures that drive outdoor air infiltration rates. Verifying/rectifying any air leakage in the new duct system & air handler unit comes next, since even a perfect duct design duct leakage creates room to room air pressure differences that will drive outdoor air infiltration whenever the air handler is running.

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