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OK to spray foam over ceiling fan mount/bracket in attic?

MaineGuy80|发布Energy Efficiency and Durabilityon

We have 3 ceiling fans on the second floor. We used those brackets that turn into the joists for support and then there’s a box that the electrical and fan mount to. I’ve caulked between the sheetrock and that box, however, I’d like to foam over it. Is that safe and OK to do? I’m going to do the same for the smoke detector boxes.

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  1. 730d||#1


  2. Expert Member


    Once you have those holes covered it’s not a problem to apply spray foam over the box and associated wiring. You might want to make sure the fasteners are all right first though since the foam will make it impossible to do anything to them later.


  3. MaineGuy80||#3

    Hi, Fasteners for what part? I will foil tape the boxes- good idea and some may already be set with the caulking but I'll double check it.

    I'm not sure if this matters, but if it does, help me to understand. Looking at the specifications for the two products, Loctite is not recommended for attics/ceilings but Great Stuff is.

    1. Expert Member

      Those boxes with the spanner bracket to go between joists usually have a screw clamp that secures the box to the bracket. Just make sure that’s tight before you apply spray foam. You might also check that the bracket is securely fastened to the joists too. Just think “is there anything I need to do while I can get to it, because once I apply spray foam, everything will be inaccessible”.


  4. MattJF||#4

    The "specifications" tab on the Lowes page is not really accurate. Both products will work for what you are talking about. I haven't use the version of Great Stuff you link to. The loctite foam I have used has been nice to work with.

    The pricing I see from Lowes seems expensive vs. Home depot:

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