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Lindaloowho.|Posted in一般的问题on

We have an insulated plywood skirted crawlspace around piers. The entire space is above grade and we are looking at ways to seal it at the ground.

我们已经挖了一条沟渠,将金属板放在裙子的外部周围围绕的裙子,以防止细菌。然后,在沟槽中拓盖板条,将有12英寸宽x 12“深环绕3/4”石。

Since we have been advised to keep the plywood skirt edge out of the earth (we know it’s treated, but not sure if it’s PWF wood) we have looked at a few options to close the gap from the bottom of the skirt to the ground, which are within our budget and among our available materials.

1)将EPS泡沫板贴在一起形成8英尺长的块,然后使用密封剂与蒸汽屏障缠绕它们。在内部周长上挖几英寸,密封泡沫板隔热裙的内部边缘下的块(块将稍微延伸到爬行地板空间)并从爬行内部回填,直到我们再也看出日光。(我们将接下来将蒸汽屏障放在地上)。你会建议在内部挖掘和绝缘12英寸,以停止从裙子外面的石头上的石头的沟槽下方的空气,或者只会下降几英寸,但水平延伸到爬行的内部 -12英寸足够?


3) A combination of 1) and 2)?

We know the best practice would be to pull our the skirt and insulate the floor assembly, but with a wood shortage / inflated wood price, as well as the amount of material it would take to insulate 1000 square feet of floor space, it’s not possible for us right now. Appreciate your input!

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  1. Lindaloowho.||#1


    “How to temporarily air seal (and insulate?) a leaky mesh wall / crawl space?”

  2. 专家成员
    Armando Cobo||#2

    An additional thought... To insulate the skirt, one needs to either use impermeable board insulation attached to it or ccSPF, or if using impermeable insulation, you would need to install a sealed air barrier behind it. I would think both options could cost more money.

  3. Lindaloowho.||#3



  4. 专家成员
    Armando Cobo||#4

    安大略霜线:“第9部分的建筑规范tates 1.2m which is 3.927 feet". Even though my design/build experience is the southern-half US, and CZ5 in the mountains of the Southwest, I still think my advise above applies. Southern Ontario CZ5 is around 3k-4k HDD, which is similar to US CZ5.

  5. Lindaloowho.||#5


  6. 专家成员
    Armando Cobo||#6

    Here is a thermal image I found on Google, of a basement and I don't know where, but the point is that the "blue" cold weather goes quite a bit down the wall. The deeper your frost line is, the deeper you need to excavate to fix your issues.

  7. Lindaloowho.||#7

    Thanks so much



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