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  1. 4GVNSNR||#1

    特别是以1168美元的价格查看24K BTU 17 SEER(WYS024GMFI19RL-16)。

  2. 专家成员
    Akos Toth||#2

    I've used a couple of 9k units for AC only. Cheap and works, nothing special. Both indoor and outdoor units are pretty quiet, but so are most inverter units.


  3. 4GVNSNR||#3

    I’m wondering if any of the cheaper units come with pan heaters.

    如果我正确阅读文献,先锋会加热到4度。我也强烈考虑的另外两个(Gree -livo/vireo)都加热至-5度。

  4. BFW577||#4

    我在一所湖泊的房子里有一个12k的单位,长达两年。他们就像其他各个品牌一样,只是与东芝压缩机重新挑战。我会花更多的钱,并获得一个将全部热量输出到5的Midea Premier系列。

    You can get more information at the below link. The higher 22 seer pioneer units do have basepan heaters and better cold weather performance. I attached the performance charts for both. The 17 seer is almost worthless for any heating capability in cold weather and has no basepan heater.

  5. 4GVNSNR||#5

    That is super useful information! I am definitely needing decent heat output at low temperature so based off that I’d say the lower end pioneers would not be a good choice. I’ll try to find those charts on the Grees I was looking at.


    1. BFW577||#6


      我从Minisplit Warehouse购买了Midea Midea Premier楼层控制台Hyper Heath。我交叉引用了我的地板控制台单元,它与Daikin,Gree,Carrier,Blueridge等相同。文献与其中的不同品牌完全相同。Midea看来几乎在制造它们,或者它们都使用完全相同的设计。

  6. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#7

    >"... other “budget” brands like Gree, Mr Cool, Daikin "


    >“ Midea几乎使大多数迷你店分裂了。”


    >"If you dig into the service manuals, installation manuals, and cross reference stuff its all made by Midea and they have GMCC Toshiba compressors. My Midea came in a Carrier North America box with Midea stickers that you put on yourself."

    美的与东芝的十年s ago in a joint venture with Toshiba building a large refrigeration compressor factory in China. United Technologies/Carrier only got into bed with Midea/Toshiba about a decade ago. Unfortunately Carrier doesn't import/support the full complement of Midea mini-split equipment in the US market. Midea USA distributes some of the non-Carrier equipment via internet sales, but local support for Midea-branded mini-splits seems spotty at best.



    >“我从Minisplit仓库购买了Midea Midea Premier楼层控制台Hyper Heath。”


    1. BFW577||#8

      So what are your thoughts Dana on why every manufacturer seems to be using pretty much the same equipment? Outside of Mitsubishi if you google the 12k floor console units for example they are all literally the same exact unit? Is one factory making them all?

      Why is the Daikin unit exactly the same as the Midea? Here is the Midea and Daikin floor units. They are identical.

      If you spend some time most of the wall units are all the same as well right down to the remotes.

  7. Alan72||#9

    Is there a list of these kinds of relationships (which units are rebranded units from other companies, etc) and their respective level of quality?

    We have Fujitsu ducted mini splits specified for our house build - I spoke with an HVAC contractor to get a quote yesterday and he was really impressed with Mitsubishi yet he was willing to price out the Fujitsu units... makes trying to make decisions about the units difficult - or at least it feels like we don't have all the information needed for the decision...

    对不起,帖子很高 -


    1. BFW577||#11


  8. 4GVNSNR||#10




    1. BFW577||#12


      I assume you are self installing? These things are actually quite simple to install. The downfall is limited warranty and support but the savings are massive. When I did the math I could buy 3 Midea Premiers compared to the cost of a professional Mitsubishi install. So even if this one fails I can still buy another 2 before I break even compared to a professional install.

      我会看Midea Premier DLCSRAH24AAK。它的运输方式约为1500美元。它的额定额为5和79%的100%的热量为-22。我有12k单元,它是寒冷的天气表现。

  9. 4GVNSNR||#13


    Where did you buy your Midea Premier from? For such a dominate brand I sure am having trouble locating online retailers that carry them.

  10. BFW577||#14

    我在Ecomfort和Minisplit Warehouse的Midea购买了Gree。

    The 24k Midea is $1599 and the 24k Gree is $2061. Both prices include shipping.


  11. nickdefabrizio||#15

    该线程突出显示了几件事,但似乎有可能,迷你拆分不会以足够数量的数量捕捉到减少美国碳排放的重要因素就像任何窗户单元一样,合理的房主。就像亚洲一样。$ 5,000的单头安装和$ 10,000+多头安装限制了改装的适用性,尤其是因为即使是由Pro安装的,这些单元的长期(即超过十年)的可靠性也有些可疑。

    1. gusfhb||#16

      First thing you have to understand is that the generic AC contractor hears the question " I want you to put AC in my house, and the answer is
      '$ 10,000'

      We know the name brands last over 10 years without fault, so valid assumptions about tier two units can be made.

  12. _jt||#17


    A couple notes:

    On installation: You really do need a HVAC tech to do the vacuum and re-fill. The pre-filled lines tend to be a little off, so if you don't check them your performance will be off.


    加热:30-50度 - 效果很好。警察似乎超过3。

    加热10-30度 - 效果足够好。缺乏基础蛋糕加热器意味着我确实必须关注冰的堆积。

    I probably would have purchased the 22 SEER unit for better heating capacity if I did it again - but I purchased it originally for cooling.

    控件:应用程序和遥控器并不那么直观 - 但它与Alexa很好地集成在一起,因此我们通常如何控制它,调整温度等。

    Question: Has anyone retrofitted a base pan heater onto an existing unit? I suspect something as simple as a pipe heating wire could provide the same effect as a base pan heater in not so extreme cold.

  13. BuildersPrideCons||#18





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