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Code Requirement for Electrical Outlet Near Minisplit


Kind of a technical question, but I’d value any input that anybody has. NEC 210.63 requires an electrical outlet to be installed in an “accessible” location within 25 feet of most HVAC equipment and on the “same level” as the equipment.



Anyways, would value any input as to folks think this would pass, or if I need to add an additional outlet on the outside of the house next to the crawl space door.


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  1. Expert Member

    The general interpretation of this rule in the trades is that the service outlet must be "within sight" of the equipment. That means if you're a maintenance tech, and you walk over to the equipment you're been contracted to service, you can look around and find the outlet without any difficulty. That's the intent of the code -- to provide power for maintenance work. In your situation, the outlet would not be "within sight" of the equipment for someone unfamiliar with your floorplan, so I'd say your existing outlet doesn't comply.



    1. aunsafe2015||#5


  2. charlie_sullivan||#2


    And I think it could be argued either way. One easy thing you could do is put in a GFCI receptacle in the crawlspace ceiling outlet, in case that helps convince the inspector that it's valid to use for that purpose. If you do need to add an outdoor receptacle, it's pretty easy to do with that wiring available close by, and you might find it useful for other purposes as well.

    1. aunsafe2015||#6

      Thanks for the response!

  3. walta100||#3

    Since you will have a 240 volt disconnect for the heat pump consider getting one with a built in outlet.


    1. aunsafe2015||#4

      Interesting. I didn't know those existed. But I think the NEC says that the required service outlet cannot be on the same circuit as the HVAC equipment.

      1. Expert Member




        1. charlie_sullivan||#8

          It would depend on the line for the compressor having a neutral, which is often not the case, and it would require either that the circuit for the minisplit be on a breaker no larger than 20 A, or a 15 or 20 A breaker in the box making that a little sub-panel.

          Or just use it as a housing for the receptacle and run power from the crawlspace circuit.

          1. maine_tyler||#11

            Those outlets in the photo are only 15, correct? Can those go on a 20A breaker?

          2. charlie_sullivan||#12


          3. Expert Member


            A 20A receptacle would have a "T" shaped neutral slot, so the one in the pic is a 15A receptacle.

            I'm not sure on Canadian code disallowing 15A receptacles on 20A circuits, so I'll defer to Charlie on that one. Note that I personally prefer to use only 20A receptacles on 20A circuits since there is near zero cost difference to do that. I also always use spec grade receptacles exclusively, which do cost more than the cheap-o builder grade, but they are vastly superior in plug retention and long-term durability, and they have much better wiring connections too. When I moved into my current home, one of the first things I did was to replace every receptacle in the house with spec grade units. It was maybe a few hundred dollars and a few days of my time, but it was worth it -- and I caught some loose connections and a few other wiring problems while I did it that I was able to correct.


  4. walta100||#9

    My guess is the box I linked to will require a second wire on a different breaker to power the outlet.



    1. Expert Member

      Your box might have an internal fuse. If it was designed for the purpose of easily tapping a service outlet off the feed, then it might have fusing. It would also require a neutral to be run for that outlet, since I doubt there is a transformer in that little box.

      我规格这些通常的方法是将常规的双链插座安装在设备侧面(通常在较小的商业建筑物上使用的包装屋顶HVAC单元很常见),然后用常规的120V电路送出相同的插座供应屋顶HVAC单元的导管。您不必为此插座使用专用电路。通常,我通常会指定渠道共享一个将覆盖建筑物区域的单个“服务”电路。Serice Outlet根本没有负载有任何负载是不寻常的,因此毫无意义地浪费了一堆电路来运行多个服务渠道。


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