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我购买了一个破旧的房子,并正在做一个深的能量改造。壁板将被撕掉,大部分是腐烂或柔软的,我将安装Huber Zip,它应该提供空气和蒸汽屏障。Larsen Trusses将安装,腔深将是12英寸,〜R-40。



My concern is the R-value achievable around the top plate and roof/wall intersection. Once the 2″ ventilation channel is considered, the top outside corner of the ceiling joist has about a 2.75″ cavity that can be used for insulation which ultimately presents moisture (cold spot on the ceiling) and energy issues. However the minimum depth from the top of the double plate when including the joist cavity is 7″ which is acceptable if spray foam is used.

Now since this is a complete rehab project, there is no issue with running a continuous interior soffit to allow for the proper insulation depth. Anyone have any input on whether that would satisfactorily address the issues? It seems like it would reduce, but not necessarily eliminate, the issues.


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  1. GBA Editor

    这绝对是一个冷角。它将始终受到湿度和模具。您经常在像那样的角落中看到发霉的干墙天花板 - 特别是在浴室里。

    The best solution is to install several layers of rigid insulation on top of the roof sheathing. Of course, that means you need new roofing, which is expensive.

  2. GBA Editor


    Reading it will take patience, because I'm attaching the article as 11 image files. I apologize for the awkward format.

  3. GBA Editor

    Here are the last 5 image files.

  4. James Morgan||#4

    I guess there's no chance the added wall depth could go to the inside?

  5. 约翰克林尔||#5

    Is raising the roof and cobbing in an energy heel in a situation like this even remotely feasible?

  6. James Morgan||#6

    再思考 - 用高R泡沫填充墙板固体上方的空间,并使用这些引入屋顶的通风进一步:。I have no idea though if this might introduce extra problems in snow country - Martin?

  7. 高效建设者||#7


    Once the flooring and ceiling is finished I will have about 7' 3" ceilings on the second floor which would make an interior insulation approach very difficult.

    I am hesitant to insulate the interior of the walls due to cold sheathing concerns, loss of space, and maintaining the air barrier. Also, there is brick in all of the stud cavities which I am leaving exposed on the first floor and unsure about the second.

    The retrofitted energy heal is an interesting idea. I have attached another image with an idea. Basically continue the larsen truss up to the depth of the ceiling insulation. The top of the larsen truss could be essentially flat, though slightly sloped for drainage or it could integrate at another angle. Venting can be achieved through channels above the insulation. I do however wonder about aesthetics and of course the building inspector since the larsen truss would now carry a roof load.

  8. James Morgan||#8

    Upstate, you could probably make that work, in fact it's similar to an elegant traditional detail called a swept eave. I'd go with a minimum 4/12 pitch for the sweep so you could stay with the same roof finish. Eaves load could be taken back to the original wall plate with a simple strut. Don't know what Martin will think of the brokeback profile, it's similar to one of the no-no's on his roof design article, from concerns about snow retention. I'm told though that the swept eave is a classic traditional detail in Denmark, where snow is hardly unknown.

  9. James Morgan||#9


  10. GBA Editor



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