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user-7601308|发布General Questions

I am getting ready to do rain screen siding on my house. I’ll be doing horizontal lapped poplar siding with 1/4 inch furring strips to provide my gap. In my reading through GBA and other sites, the attached document (which is also linked somewhere here on GBA) has the best detail drawings I can find. I gather from the drawings that the strips are offset 3/8″ from the edges of the rough openings. I was planning to have 1 – 1/2″ wide strips, so do I need another furring strip next to the ones at the sides of the rough openings to keep the trim from sitting against the sheathing?

另外……我已经用木制的窗户重新利用了窗户,我需要进行延伸以适合我的墙壁 - 我是否会使我的jambs延伸到护套的外部,还是还需要延伸到毛茸茸的条带?



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  1. Expert Member
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1


    If y0ur trim sits on the siding, the relationship of the furring strips to the R.O. doesn't matter much. If your siding butts up to the trim, you want the furring to straddle that intersection, either by using two pieces or a wider one.

    The new jambs should extend out to the furring strips if the trim is g0ing to butt up to the siding. If the trim is g0ing on top of the siding, the jamb extensions need to extend out to the front face of the siding. The 0nly time I could see the jambs just extending back to the sheathing would be if you were adding brick-stops to the windows.



  2. user-7601308||#2


    I do have some 1/2 inch cdx plywood I could use for the strips. It is just a little warped, so will take more fasteners to get it tight to the building.

    To clarify, I would put the strips right up to the sides of the RO and use either a wide strip, or 2 strips so I can put the trim on top, and have room to catch the siding which will butt up to it. Jambs will extend all of the way out to the depth of the furring strips. since my windows are not flanged, just wooden jambs, do I incorporate the window in any way to the housewrap, or just do the rough opening as well flashed and wrapped, and then have the trim flashed well to protect the window?

    1. Expert Member
      马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3


      - 使用闪烁的胶带(像Tyvek Straight-Flash之类的东西)在新Jambs和护套上的家庭包装之间桥接关节。在墙壁上将其宽几英寸宽,直至jambs的末端。

      - 窗口上方的修剪应在水平条上拧上0UT。
      - Above this a metal head-flashing with end dams gets installed onto the trim. It should be bedded in a bead of caulking on the top of the trim, and extend right back to the sheathing, with the house-wrap lapped over it.
      - Once that's done, the furring strips above the window get installed over the vertical leg of the head flashing.
      - The siding over the window is held up about 1/8" over the head-flashing to allow drainage.

  3. user-7601308||#4



  4. 安迪||#5

    Putting the rain screen spacer material under the trim makes it unnecessarily complex IMO. The spacer isn't typically visually acceptable compared to the trim material and it probably isn't as weather resistant either. Even if you don't see the material, you need to now cover that gap at the window so another piece of flashing is needed. You also have to reconsider bulk water movement there too.

    1. Expert Member
      马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#6


      You may be right in this situation. There might not be much of advantage with wood windows.



  5. user-7601308||#7

    Thanks for the advice thus far. I am getting even closer to getting them in, and wanted to share some pictures to see if I have the idea right. Excuse the floppy tyvek around the RO jamb, I haven't stapled it to the inside yet.


    照片C显示,一旦我将JAMB安装在适当的深度,我将在tyvek wrb上放一些剥皮和粘贴胶带,我将在侧面和头部做到这一点,但不要在底部。窗户。


    Since the jamb will be proud of the sheathing, the flashing tape will 'taper' back to the WRB. I guess essentially bulging out from the wrb. Especially on the head flashing, I feel like this will make a deviation to my otherwise flat drainage plane - but seems like the best way I can do this with the wooden windows I have.

    Siding will butt up to the trim.



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