Redundancy of Vapor Retarder and Latex-Painted Plastered Blueboard for Vapor Retarder
Climate zone 6.
My wall stackup from the exterior is 1″ hemlock siding, 1″ airspace, housewrap, 2 1/2″ xps, 5″ studwall insulated with r23 roxul.
I understand that the 2 1/2″ xps is marginal for my climate zone and detailing the vapor retarder will be essential to performance.
For that matter, are there any issues with two layers of vapor retarder?
Thanks, Daniel
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丹尼尔,我会首先要注意,普通读者可能厌倦了看见,但无论如何我都要提到 - XPS中的吹风剂是有效的温室气体,比二氧化碳1400倍,比任何其他施工材料更差。尽职尽责的建造者找到一种替代材料,具有较低的环境影响,如Polyiso泡沫,EPS泡沫,摇滚或木纤维绝缘。如果您可以找到使用XPS的源,这是一个不同的故事。此外,XPS的XPS宣传值R-5 /在时间上降低到约R-4.2 / IN,等于或接近EPS的稳定R值。
CZ6中具有蒸汽延迟外部保温的墙壁需要至少33%的R值,以保持露点的冷凝表面并避免水分积聚,允许涂漆的干墙,3类蒸气延迟器,全部这是在内部所需的。使用R-23腔绝缘,这意味着在外部至少R-11.5。2.5“XPS是标称R-12.5,但将年龄为约R-10.5。如果目标只是为了超过建筑官员,你会没事的,但我更愿意避免风险,要么碰到你的外部保温真正的R-12.5或更高,和/或在内部添加可变渗透膜,如SIGA MAJREX或PRO CLIMA Intello。我假设涂上薄型的撇灰岩石膏在蓝板上表现大约与干墙相同,但我可能是错误的- 这不是我在哪里。
The IRC building code simplifies the math to say that a Class 3 vapor retarder (i.e., painted drywall) is allowed if you have at least R-11.25 over a 2x6 wall, but some think their wording is a bit too simplified.
Depending on Daniel's construction schedule, he might actually be able to get the new Foamular NGX version of XPS that drops the GWP from 1420 to 80, still higher than the other options you list, but vastly better than blueboard. It's supposed to be available throughout north america as of Jan 1st. There's not much reason to prefer it to EPS, but it might be more readily available than EPS at some point--we'll have to see how quickly it's actually made available. Scott Gibson is working on an article on this and I'm hoping he'll have more detail than I know about how soon it will be available.
查理,这是一个很好的观点。我希望看到新XPS的生命周期分析。我最近经历了HFC VS HFO发泡剂的喷雾泡沫行业的生命周期分析,虽然GWP为1030 Vs 1,但HFO-吹塑的总GWP仅为HFC吹的24%。仍然更好,但没有一千次,因为你可能期望只关注吹药。我想起XPS相似,但希望看到数字!
Yes, I am not ready to start recommending it as a green choice--only as less of a disaster than it used to be. But it will be good to get more information.
Because of the valuable information I received on this forum, I accessed and used reclaimed xps for the entire project. Unfortunately at the time I went by the advertised r-value and also the reported cold weather performance of xps which claimed an increase in r-value as temperature decreased.
Short of removing all the siding, I'm stuck with the 2.5" xps.
Great that you got the reclaimed XPS!
在您的边际案例中,使用II类内部侧延迟的高端(例如.5至1 PERMS)。例如,只是蒸汽延迟涂料。为此提供支持:
Just to be clear, typical exterior foam doesn't keep the sheathing above the dew point or prevent condensation/sorption/moisture accumulation. But it usually does limit it enough to avoid problems. Even more so if foam is the only sheathing. Understanding this is critical to understanding why perms (both interior and exterior) still matter.
How is the assembly tested?
My inclination is use vapor retarder paint. Is there any advantage or disadvantage If I also install Membrain prior to the blueboard?
Thanks, Daniel
I should add, this is a timberframe, so one of the reasons I'm inquiring about the use of a vapor retarder like Membrain is because its installation would likely give me some advantage to detailing the air sealing.