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Retrofitting new wall inside existing frame

Ryan Griffin|Posted inPassivHauson

I have an interesting challenge in my 1941 1500SQFT energy retrofit in Minneapolis (Zone 6-7). I want to maximize realistic R-value while preserving the existing siding and sheathing, which we can assume has no vapor barrier (this will be verified when we open it up). While I would normally prefer to wrap the exterior, this is not possible at this time. There is no historic value to the plaster/sheetrock, and we’re demoing kitchen and bath anyway, so I intend to do all insulation from the inside. The home is all 2×4 16″OC construction with old yellow fiberglass batts. Adding wall thickness to the inside is acceptable, although 2″ more is preferable to 4″ more. I’m not looking to get certified, but want a very comfortable house with a chance of 15-20 year payback.

Here are some options I’ve considered:

1) Do nothing with the walls and focus on the roof and air sealing – this is the adivce that most local builders have given. Most have never heard of passive house and think US building codes are too strict. Some, however, have cited the valid reason of opening a can of worms with wiring, etc.



4) Don’t gut anything, but build a new stud wall inside the existing and spray foam that for R38ish Maybe this is crazy, but it might save some on the demo side, and would allow us to further insulate in the future from the outside (we will eventually need to touch the siding). It also limits the can of worms effect (good and bad). Is this even possible? It seems to me that it shouldn’t cause any moisture issues since there is a full interior barrier and no exterior barrier. There would also be no thermal bridging as the studs wouldn’t touch. Thoughts?


Please let me know what you think of these scenarios given the information provided, and the desire to keep this semi cost effective. Thank you very much for your help here!

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  1. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#1

    回答1是一个合理的答案…你也可以有限公司nsider things like adding PV and and air-source heat pump and seeing if you can have a better energy impact for the same cost that way.


    EPS does not have that problem. So what about doing something like #3 without #2: Add EPS inside with taking the drywall off or changing anything inside the wall? The wiring isn't a big deal--just add box extenders to bring the box through the EPS. Sure, those will be air leaks but not as bad as they are now if you do a little sealing while you are at it. You can attach drywall by gluing, add furring strips to attach it to, or use a product like R-etro that is EPS with built-in plastic support for drywall. Kitchen cabinets would require better support, so maybe that part has 2x4s turned sideways as the furring strips.

    有了任何内部绝缘材料,您将在内壁穿过的地方进行热桥,但这并不是一个巨大的问题 - 您仍然会使它变得更好。

    You could also do a double wall, but I'd be inclined to leave the existing wall, sheetrock and all, in place, and just build the additional wall however far in you are willing to go, and fill with cellulose. The sheetrock perhaps adds some thickness without adding much R-value, but it's not hurting anything either.

  2. Ryan Griffin||#2



  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3



    Calculating the Global Warming Impact of Insulation

  4. Ryan Griffin||#4



  5. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#5

    对于Ryan关于体现能量的问题的更直接答案:喷雾泡沫的问题不是体现的能量。它是气体填充泡沫中的气泡。正确的是,与一生中节省能量相比,绝缘的体现能量通常很小。但是,泡沫中气泡中气体的影响> 1000 x,因此可以很重要,如马丁提供的链接中所述。




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