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Roof sheathing material – Zip or not

beedigs|发布General Questions

I have a hunch that you guys will probably say go with Zip for the roof sheathing but for good measure I am going to put this out anyway since this is a legit question of mine.

CZ2,全砖一个故事的房子。我们将使用某种类型的拉链护套(常规或拉链R3)与2×4螺柱壁上的开放式细胞喷雾泡沫腔绝缘匹配。我是否也应该在屋顶甲板上进行拉链护排,还是可以使用它们使用的传统OSB?我还在考虑诸如鲨鱼皮屋顶或格蕾丝冰和水上盾之类的东西,但尚未完成对我们气候区最有效的研究(对此也非常感谢)。不幸的是,预算是一个重要因素。想做像垄断框架马特·瑞辛格(Matt Risinger)在他的某些项目中所做的事情,但是到目前为止,休斯顿德克萨斯州的任何人都熟悉它可以开放。希望不习惯其能够正确安装的承包商,因为他们超级忙碌,并希望快速完成每个项目,以便将每个项目迅速完成。提前致谢!

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  1. kbentley57||#1

    While zip sheathing is nice to have, I wouldn't call it a requirement. There's nothing wrong with osb/plywood and tar paper. If they get the decking on, and get the shingles/tiles/metal on soon after, there is little benefit to the zip layer, which water shouldn't hit. Rather, I would focus on taping the seams with a good quality tape, either zip or the 3M 8067, and really nail down the details on the starter course, eaves, and underlayment / single fastener pattern.


  2. insaneirish||#2

    I think I posted something about this before, but, who knows...

    Zip sheathing is nice, but by no means necessary. I was also looking at 5/8" Advantech for my roof, but it was special order and therefore more expensive than Zip.

    I ended up with Zip, but still put underlayment over it. I trust Zip as an underlayment, but I don't trust all the abuse roof sheathing might go through before it gets covered up. My roof was exposed with just Zip for a long time. For that, Zip served its purpose and was worth the premium over commodity products.

    If you plan to quickly proceed from sheathing to roofing, worry less about the product and more about the attention to detail (taping seams of the roof, in a lot of cases) and the roof installation.

  3. Andy_||#3

    Is the roof also an air barrier layer that will be sealed? Yes, then Zip makes sense but isn't the only choice. No, then it doesn't matter what the sheathing is if it isn't the primary air barrier.

  4. Expert Member

    如果这要在通风的阁楼上,那么在这里使用ZIP确实没有意义。ZIP的最大事情是它具有内置的WRB - 绿色涂层。在屋顶上,您真的不需要WRB,因为木瓦应该会散发出水。我也不会认为拉链上的涂层也可以替代冰和水上屏蔽,因此,拉链在屋顶上确实没有任何好处。如果这是一个条件阁楼,则在护套的底部上有喷雾泡沫,Zip又没有真正的好处。

    Zip won’t hurt you here, but it’s an added cost for a premium product in an an application where the extra features of the premium product don’t gain you anything. If you want to upgrade your roof sheathing, consider using plywood instead of OSB. Plywood holds up better if it ever gets wet (from a leak) compared to OSB, and that is a potential benefit on a roof.

    Note that regular OSB, plywood, and Zip can all act as air barriers if detailed as such. You don’t need Zip if you only need an air barrier.


    1. jmrtns||#5

      So Bill are you really saying that the only positive for Zip on the roof is the extended exposure time to the elements while other things are being worked on?

      Can you elaborate on why Zip isn't a real benefit in a conditioned attic scenario?

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