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Arnold K|Posted in一般的问题on


We had initially intended to install photovoltaic panel on the roof as part of the house build but due to the increase in material we will need to push that back into the future once the house is built.

What are some things I should keep in mind in term of roughing in to make the future installation of PV much easier?


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  1. Jonny_H||#1

    1)在设计阶段,确保您的屋顶表面以最佳定向为太阳能。这意味着看着你的纬度和天气模式的理想角度,也是理想的南方(北半球北半球,南半球北半球)或至少东南/西南部。(或者,如果您有平屋顶,可以使用机架设置角度)此外,在您想要安装太阳的屋顶表面上,请务必尽量减少“颠簸” - 没有管道通风口或阁楼通风口,天窗,宿舍,山谷或其他随机屋顶平面发生变化。

    2)是的,从主面板的位置运行导管到阁楼是一个开始。如果可能的话,我进一步走两个步骤:首先,(假设倾斜屋顶),将导管带到闪光的接线盒(如索拉德)同时安装在屋顶上。(理想情况下,如果您可以进行初步布局,您也可以在屋顶上安装时安装所有机架安装点)。其次,查看您所在地区的太阳能断开要求的内容 - 您实际上可能希望将导管运行到附近的地方,以便在实用仪表所在的位置,以便在仪表旁边放置外面的太阳能断开连接。(这里有很多复杂和局部差异,具体取决于您的预期设置,因此很难说出你需要什么)

    3) Ensure that the panel itself is capable of handling the capacity of the solar array you want. Again, there's several different ways to handle this, and smaller arrays are easier to handle than larger arrays -- but things like the busbar capacity vs. the main breaker capacity start to matter. There are some "solar ready" main panels that provide alternate / additional connection options to ensure the sizing requirements for solar are met.


    在成本方面,这些类型的材料将是整个太阳系成本的少量百分比 - 但我不能与劳动力成本交谈。但是,我认为,通过将来可能会使安装更容易来说,我们可以在将来节省更多的时间。

    1. Arnold K||#2

      Hi Jonny,

      Thank you for the in-depth response. We have not yet started to house build which is why I am going through the construction plans to make sure I have accounted for everything I will need during construction or for future projects.

      我已经联系了几个公司out what the cost would be for around a 7 kW system. The plan is the be grid-tied and I like the idea of microinverters though I suspect they do cost a bit more.

      For the conduit, is EMT or PVC most commonly used from the attic to the utility room? I know this vary a bit from location to location.


  2. 专家成员

    >"For the conduit, is EMT or PVC most commonly used from the attic to the utility room? I know this vary a bit from location to location."

    Use EMT conduit here. Metallic conduit offers shielding (better for RFI), and most importantly is much better if you ever have a nearby lightning hit since the solar panels are like antennas for lightning energy. EMT does cost more, but the difference isn't as much as it once was at the moment since PVC prices have skyrocketed this year (there is a global shortage of PVC resin).

    Check with whomever you have doing the solar system design to find out what size conduit you need, and if you need more than one.

    You might want to have your roofer flash in some hard points for mounting too, but you really need to know more about what your final system will be to be able to specify where those hardpoints need to be.


  3. 专家成员



  4. GBA编辑器

    In terms of the roof, this article might be of interest to you:



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