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Running coax and phone line parallel with electric wire?



Without much prior experience, I decided to run my coax and phone line myself but after the fact, I have read that it’s not good to run the phone/coax parallel with electric wire?.


My question is – how much space in between the coax/phone and electric wire is needed to allow parallel runs?

I surely have to have a parallel run at some point. The best I can do is drill new holes towards the bottom of the wall, which would give me about 5 ft space in between the two runs.

Is my current setup ok? Should I give them more like 5 feet? Or will neither be sufficient.

I realize this isn’t really a construction question but perhaps someone on here has experience.

我不想干扰我的电缆/ wifi,所以这对我很重要。

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  1. tom87||#1



    In that case, I will definitely move the run. So do you think if I run the coax/phone parallel, but 5ft below I will be ok?


  2. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#2


  3. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#3

    Tom, I don't believe there is a code for this, but in practice 6-12" is what I've seen recommended. It depends on how many amps the NM cable is carrying, how long and how parallel the lines are, how constant the current is, and how sensitive the equipment the low-voltage lines are connecting to. The coax is better protected than the phone line due to the way it's wrapped. The main concern is the induced current in the NM cable causing interference in the low-voltage line. 10ga cable can carry up to 30 amps, 12ga up to 20 amps, so you have up to 50 amps creating an electrical field around the cable.

  4. JC72||#4


    无线将是未来的,并通过光纤或增强电缆连接到房屋的1 Gbps服务。我现在通过ATT纤维有1Gbps。


  5. Jeremy_G||#5

    You should be OK with a minimum of 2" separation. It's better to have more, though I personally wouldn't re-pull the wire unless you're approaching the 100m max run length for Cat5/6. (In which case, ouch... that's a lot of work!) I'm sure you've searched the web and found that there isn't a simple answer in terms of code requirements. Part of that is because the electrical code is mostly concerned with safety. For example, you don't want a stray nail to puncture NM and put line voltage on your Cat5/6 wire. The ~2" minimum is probably intended to address that sort of case. The telecom specs are more concerned with interference and call out fluorescent fixtures as well as line voltage wiring and call for more separation.

    我管理了一个大学网络基础设施团队,并遇到了各种螺旋球低压电缆路由。我不记得任何CAT5E运行,一旦排除了终止问题和/或电线损坏,就不会以1 Gbps测试。我在同轴电缆上没有类似的经验,尽管它可能比CAT5/6不容易受到影响。

  6. user-2310254||#6


    考虑一下您将如何使用基础架构的电话和互联网部分。如果您像大多数人一样,您将主要通过无线设备进行交谈和连接。我家里有Cat 5和WiFi,真的无法分辨连接速度或质量的任何差异。我更喜欢在我的业务和个人电话中使用锅,但这主要是因为我们位于几乎没有单元连接性的死点中。

  7. tom87||#7

    Thanks for weighing in guys! John, does the house need to be specially wired for fiber?

  8. JC72||#8


    No it doesn't. Fiber is terminated at an ONT (Optical Network Terminal) at your home which is then connected to a wireless router (ex Pace. 5268AC) with its coaxial and Ethernet connections. Having a central hub that provides good wireless coverage and access to wired outlets throughout the house would allow the service provider to place their equipment next to your home network vs pulling cable or having to accept other less than ideal solutions such as running Cat5e three stories up the outside of an exterior wall.

    Wireless technology is getting better all the time but IMO you'd still want to have some wired connections (TV, desktop PC). Don't get me wrong. I'm only suggesting conduit to a few select rooms. Maybe enlist the advice of a professional?

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