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Sealed wood burning stoves – a list? (for a TIGHT house)

Edward Cambridge| Posted inMechanicalson

I’ve been looking through this site and found some helpful information and also spent time on the web (to no avail)

Does anyone have a source or ‘list’ of sealed combustion wood burning stoves? We’d like a fireplace/stove in our in process house and other than picking up tidbits from the Q&A, it has proven hard to find a list that we can pick from.
Morso, Jotul have the odd unit, but again – others?


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I don't know of such a list. You might want to do a Google search on the phrase "outdoor air kit" (in quotes).

    If you visit, you'll discover that outdoor air kits are controversial. (For example, see the discussion here:

    You might also want to read the information on outdoor air supplies provided in the links on this page of the web site:

    In my article on wood stoves (All About Wood Stoves) I discussed the question of whether (or how) to install a wood stove in a tight house. My article quotes from several sources, with some success stories and some failure stories.

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