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Shingle Sidewall



Working on a detail with a builder to add 1″ of polyiso to the exterior of an existing 2×4 wall in Zone 5.


Any issues with placing the drain wrap b/w the shingles and foam as opposed to installing the housewrap between foam and sheathing?

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  1. bdrfab||#1

    No problem with having the WRB on the exterior of your foam. However, 1" of polyiso in Climate zone 5 is insufficient exterior insulation. If you search the site there are numerous articles on how much insulation is needed, as well as integrating a WRB into your system.

  2. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#2

    我不同意亚伦在气候区域的1英寸Polyiso(R-6)是否足以适合2x4墙的问题。刚性泡沫足够厚。有关更多信息,请参阅Calculating the Minimum Thickness of Rigid Foam Sheathing.

    There is a more important problem to your plan, however. I don't recommend installing cedar shingles on rigid foam. Since the shingles won't be able to dry quickly on the back side, they will tend to curl and split if you nail them over foam.



  3. bdrfab||#3

    Apologies, I had the 7.5 number in my head. Sorry to get off tangent but what is the reasoning behind lower R numbers on 2x4 walls?

  4. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#4


    The thicker the wall framing (and the thicker the insulation installed between the wall studs), the closer the wall sheathing is to the outdoor temperature. In other words, if you have 2x6 walls, the sheathing will be colder in winter than if you have 2x4 walls -- unless you make the rigid foam thicker.

  5. jnarchitects||#5


    Would you have the same concerns with cedar shingles directly over housewrap or felt?

    Just wondering if you see a specific difference when foam is included...


  6. bdrfab||#6

    最低限度的最佳练习是在“排水包裹”的房屋包裹上安装雪松木瓦,在这里通常称为Crinke Rap。正如马丁所描述的那样,雪松呼吸器是更好的,但是它很昂贵,根据我的经验,后方有点痛苦。

  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7

    Aaron's answer is correct. But if you install cedar shingles over a layer of asphalt felt, and if the asphalt felt is installed over a layer of board sheathing or plywood sheathing, then you have some moisture-buffering capacity in the asphalt felt and the sheathing. There materials are hygroscopic, and can therefore take on moisture when the shingles are wet. This is useful.

    On the other hand, rigid foam can't take on any moisture at all. That's why rigid foam is the worst possible substrate for cedar shingles or any wood siding.

  8. jnarchitects||#8



    In our coastal environment, we have been getting 25-30 yrs. out of cedar shingles over felt. I have wondered how many years you gain with cedar breather. Is it 5 or 10? Just wonder if the upcharge for the product is worth the long term benefits? I suppose the drainage space is not just beneficial for the siding, but for the substrate as well. But still wonder if there is truly a equal benefit to the cost difference.

    谢谢as always.

  9. joe_the_builder||#9


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