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Anyone have any recommendations for a range hood that will vent straight out the back, will be reliable, and not cost a fortune?
I know there are a million options, but I don’t need all the fancy stuff most of the brands are advertising.
最小的CFM很好(300),和经典的(不是垃圾y looking) styling
Anybody have a go-to brand they like?
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我最近购买了一个Bronan Sahale,这可能是您的好选择。我的单位是250 CFM,但其他型号更高。
我们放入了一个Zephyr微风II。我认为它的400 CFM,并且具有3 1/4“x 10”的能力,直接出现在后面,这是我们所做的。相当安静,有很好的照明。
可能想要look at parts diagram to see how easily the fan wheel can be gotten at or removed. I bought an import fan that was cost effective and relatively quiet until the grease load made the cage fan go out of balance. Going to be a right bugger to extract and de-gunk. Not sure if a secondary grease filter of the mesh variety would have helped. The offset slotted pairs of baffles catch a lot but not all of the grease.
我已经安装了两个Broan CLDH130SS引擎盖,并祝他们幸运。他们可以排出顶部或背部,我以各种方式安装。“快速”
Install method is VERY nice with the included brackets, but the installation instructions are not clear at all. It’s sooo easy to do, I don’t know why they didn’t just give an exploded diagram which would make it obvious how it all goes together.
我经常在“中等”速度下使用我几乎沉默的速度。高速被评为400 CFM并产生一些噪音,但这是一个平滑的声音而且不讨厌。LED灯也非常好。
I originally planned to get one level down from this one but I’m glad I didn’t. It’s nice to have the extra airflow available when needed.
If you have a gas range and use it somewhat frequently I don't know that 300 CFM would be a good option. We are learning more and more about the health affects of poor indoor air quality and the byproducts of gas combustion are a significant issue.
From a noise standpoint you ideally want the blower to be either in the duct or outside and in both of these cases have a silencer between the hood and blower. So from a noise standpoint a bit of ducting is a good thing.
Some more info here:https://www.gardenweb.com/discussions/5161173/hood-faq
I'm a bit skeptical of the info provided in the link. While the author seems to speak from authority on the subject, he conflates flow and velocity (refers to effluent velocity in terms of CFM). That's a red flag to me.
In very cold or hot environments an insulated damper is beneficial but these create greater static pressure and are seemingly more prone to malfunction.
Dampers can have a significant impact on static pressure so must be included in this calc. The blowers in many hoods are not very strong (poor fan curve vs static pressure) so while it may say 400 CFM on the box, reality might be 50 CFM and leaving people wondering why they still have so many cooking odors from meals past hanging around.
My concern with dampers in the exhaust particularly close to the thermal envelope exit point is the potential for the mechanism to get gummed up with oils and fat that condense on it.
I'm about to install my vent hood in my new construction and I'm struggling with what to do about a damper. Do I go motorized or static pressure operated. Where do I place it so it can be accessed for maintenance.
It seems like the best option for access is in the duct on the outside of the house on the side wall. I assume there will still be a flapper on the outside wall as well as a damper inside the duct?
Be careful with island range hoods. They do look nice but don't tend to work all that well unless they are a lot of CFM. Also good to have a bit of separation between the seating area and the range as you can get a fair bit of splatter while cooking.
是的,我不期待岛屿范围引擎盖是超级有效的,但这是我妻子想要的下降敞篷的一步。这是最好的600 CFM冲洗套。这是一种妥协的风格和有效性,在这种情况下,有效使方式变得态度。我们会看到它在实践中有效。
Good thoughts on the splatter. I hadn't thought about that aspect of an island range.
Is your attic vented? If so, what did you do to prevent exhaust from the vents getting into the attic?
For a cooking exhaust, you could install it with a screen/hood that could be removed to pull the damper and clean it.