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Bob Holodinsky|发布了General Questions


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  1. GBA Editor
    米artin Holladay||#1


    Some types of flooring require the installation of strapping or sleepers, so don't make your ceiling too low.

    Your slab will need two types of insulation: vertical rigid foam at the slab perimeter, and a continuous layer of horizontal rigid foam under the slab. You won't need any more insulation above your slab unless your contractor makes a mistake and forgets to put the insulation under the slab, where it belongs.


  2. Kevin Dickson, MSME||#2

    米artin's comments are all good.

    I'd like to add that I've been living on a stained slab for eight years and cannot be more enthusiastic about its durability and beauty. Its hardness doesn't bother us, we put down some gel mats in the kitchen work zone.

    The main reason NOT to cover it with foam and plywood and a flooring system is cost. You would be paying extra to have a floor that needs more maintenance. Our maintenance cost has been zero so far and I estimate another ten years before we'd need to do some.


    泡沫和胶合板也会热“将”与生活空间分离的平板“。这可能是在季节期间的舒适性和效率劣势> 75°F天与<70f不相结合。

  3. Bob Holodinsky||#3

    Thanks for that insight of living on a concrete floor...I was concerned it would feel cold in the winter but you are saying that it is not an issue?...thanks,Bob

  4. Kevin Dickson, MSME||#4


    Don't let any heating experts convince you to heat the slab, either. It's a waste of money in a well-insulated home, because the heat comes on so rarely. The slab is nearly always cool.


  5. Bob Holodinsky||#5

    Thanks...I will read up on a monolithic slab ...I am not familiar with it ...regards,Bob

  6. Gordon Taylor||#6


  7. GBA Editor
    米artin Holladay||#7



  8. John Brooks||#8

    .... "The Concrete is Guaranteed to Crack"....


  9. Kevin Dickson, MSME||#9

    Fiberglass strands added to the mix will pretty much eliminate those micro-cracks. They don't prevent big cracks, though.

    Post-tensioning is a fairly inexpensive way to eliminate large cracks, even in North Texas.

    The best looking control joints are made by cutting the concrete a few days after pouring. Tooled joints aren't as clean-looking.

  10. Gordon Taylor||#10

    Thanks for the interesting replies. To Kevin Dickson: Post-tensioning is something I first heard of as an English teacher in a Turkish technical university. I know how it works for beams, but how on earth does it work for a slab?

  11. Gordon Taylor||#11


  12. James Morgan||#13


    好消息是,如果你决定尝试完成的混凝土,以后决定你不满意你可以随时添加更温暖,如果你选择的话,更宽容的饰面例如,硬木直接放在混凝土上。但是如果你采取这种方法,请务必通过设置台面升高,使洗碗机仍然适合它后,在它下面添加额外的材料 - 例如3/4“。这可以暂时狂热以便整齐。无论你是什么尽管在板块低于它的板块下方隔离。即使在添加光覆盖后,板坯中的热质量也仍然具有值。

    By the way, floating floor materials generally have extremely tough factory-applied UV-cured silicon dioxide finishes which are at least as durable as an etched concrete finish.

  13. Dan Kolbert||#14

    Polishing a slab will be almost as much as laying a floor. But you don't have to polish; we built a house several years ago, added dye in the truck (I think it was well under $1000 for the dye), clients decided not to polish and have been quite happy with the results since then. I think we put a sealer over it but can't remember.

    And as others have said, there are plenty of floors that can go right on top of the concrete (once it is fully cured) - glue-down wood, floating wood, cork, marmoleum, etc etc.

  14. Bob Holodinsky||#15


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