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Solitex UM mesh: Any real-life reviews?

Tech1234|Posted in一般的问题on

任何人都对Pro Clima Solitex UM或类似产品有任何意见?



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  1. 专家成员


    您是否计划使用Solitex UM用于屋顶下界或耐候障碍?

    我无法完全决定您的空中障碍在图中。是黄线吗?或者是胶合胶合板护套吗?几乎看起来好像你试图空气密封屋顶,就像它是一个热门屋顶装配而不是寒冷的屋顶。记得保持空中障碍连续。胶合胶合板可能是您的空中障碍,但我会将其连接到天花板上的Intello Plus(胶合板将横跨双螺柱墙的顶板)。更好的却 - 将胶合板带到内墙的外侧。

    如果intello空气屏障之后你会有to make it continuous by wrapping it around the rim board of the second floor. The detail has the line running right through the i joist/floor trusses. Also, if the intello is the air barrier you might want interior strapping to protect it.

    As for roof decking- my framer and other builders that I have talked to love advantech. I used 5/8 zip however as the roof decking was exposed over winter months. I wouldn't bother with fancy solitex for roof underlayment. Its amazing stuff but pricey. Synthetic felt or grace will be just fine. For a vented roof assembly, the roof underlayment doesn't have to vapor open.

  2. 专家成员


    另外 - 我会调查混凝土霜墙外部的绝缘层。目前的计划对板坯进行了热桥接 - 这可能导致舒适性问题。

    最后,我没有看到你的悬臂上的任何拱门通风口。也不是山脊。再次 - 我认为这个设计师习惯于热门屋顶组件。

  3. Tech1234||#3



    The Solitex UM was my idea to put down a "rain screen" under the standing metal roof to ventilate the bottom of the metal to prevent ice dams and air wash the top of the vapor open sheathing, thereby carrying out any moisture inside the attic, which shouldn't have been there in the first place because it is air sealed from the interior living space. Also, the solitex would be my draining plane from any water that got through the standing seam metal roof, which is highly unlikely anyway. This all stems from a debate with the contractors over the strapping detail on the roof and what synthetic underlayment, if any, to put down. Now you are having me question the validity of the whole design.

    In this design, there is a screen air entry between the sheathing and the bottom of the metal as well as a ridge vent (not pictured).

    Yes, the exterior air ceiling is taped CDX ply (which I think is vapor permeable enough to dry to the outside).

    The intello plus is my interior air sealer, which to my understanding is variably vapor permeable in a way that would make sense in my climate.

    The concrete is already done and it got a thermal break of 2in. XPS with a chamfered edge.

  4. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#4

    1. The illustration is labeled "scissors truss," but that isn't a scissors truss. (A scissors truss has a sloped ceiling.)

    2.如果你想把你的绝缘放在阁楼楼上 - 那是绝缘的最佳位置,在我看来 - 继续前进的方法是将阁楼设计为一个无条件的无条件阁楼。这意味着你需要坐跑的通风口和山脊,因为瑞克指出。如果你发泄你的阁楼,阁楼将比阁楼不发泄,如果阁楼没有发泄,那么你会减少冰水坝的机会。您还将消除需要该昂贵的Solitex网格,因为屋顶护套能够晾干到阁楼。

    3. As far as I know, once you place the insulation on the attic floor, building codes require that the attic above the insulation be vented. More information here:“所有关于阁楼通风。”

  5. thatsconstruction||#5

    我很欣赏阅读在搜索索里赛克产品的评论后发现的这篇文章。这将如何比较使用Advanc的产品,例如ZIP R和屋顶装饰板,更像我的潜艇用于习惯的东西?




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