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韦斯利·曼宁| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson



I’m looking at stainless steel L flashing with drip edge. Stainless for durability and appearance as the house is about 1000ft from the sea and we get a fair amount of rain even in the winter. We also get a fair amount of snow too.

(1) What is the minimum gauge of stainless steel you guys would recommend? The 2010 Canadian building code requires a minimum of .33mm (13 thou) for galvanized steel for flashing. That’s thin for galvanized. It doesn’t say anything about stainless. One good link from SSINA ( says you can use a thinner gauge stainless than galvanized.

(2) How do you join the flashing end to end? Does each piece have to be mechanically fastened to each other or can I use sealant to seal the seams between pieces. How do you account for expansion in the joining?




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  1. AJ建造者,纽约州北部6a||#1

    Basic overlap joints is what most do this way. As to thickness, you just need to be thick enough to deal with oil canning... Go to where you are buying it.. and sample.

    Go to a home or contractor that you like the install and copy. I have done so my whole career. Ask and yee shall receive.


  2. 金卡萨马||#2

    韦斯ley: will be looking forward to the info you can find here and there ..
    ( because they have only so short time to thrive )

    Do you wish extend the SS flashing pass the 4.5" EPS ?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3


  4. 韦斯利·曼宁||#4


    FYI: I talked to a sheet metal shop. They never go under 24gauge because SS or galvanized crinkles on them. Stainless steel is about twice the cost of galvanized from what they quoted me. It was just over $600CAN for 125feet of 2" x 5" L 24gauge flashing vs about $300 for the same galvanized.



  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#5

    Q. "Is copper compatible with cement?"

    答:请参阅本文在铜开发协会的网站上发布(一个小组不想在不正确地使用铜时看到任何故障):Is There A Problem With Embedding Copper Tube In Concrete?

  6. 金卡萨马||#6

    How could concrete be a problem to coper if you are going to use adhesive/caulking ?


  7. 金卡萨马||#7


    Any hint as to what kind of shape makes it impossible for carp ants to crawl pass the flashing ?

  8. 韦斯利·曼宁||#8


    Caulking is not perfect so I want to be careful. They didn't specify a gauge for copper they talked about ounce. I forget now what they told me for ounce.


  9. 金卡萨马||#9

    What do you mean caulking is not perfect? nothing is..but don't you only wish for the flashing to be correctly positioned and caulked here ?

    There must be a specific shape/dimension that carp ants cannot cross phisically.
    Usually if the colony cannot easily reach ground to nest, they do not set there.
    Don't worry ..they have no problem going around in daylight at all :)

  10. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#10


  11. 保罗·库恩(Paul Kuenn)||#11

    In the past when we used a 50 year galvanized flashing, we had them break the inner flange down (at least an inch for anchors) a bit under 90 degrees so water drips outward and the outer flange downward a bit more than 90 degrees so the drip edge (half inch) is outwards. I've used a peel and stick type window flashing on the inner flange (to go against cement, seal and hold it in place). Then it's easy to lift up the 4-6" flashing and screw to the wall. Overlaps are about 2" and you can hardly see them when looking down the wall.

    I'm sure SS will work and look fine as well. We use a lot of it on our fire truck builds along long edges/corners. You can choose brushed, polished or plain. S/S is also a low conductor which is nice.

  12. 韦斯利·曼宁||#12

    Just being paranoid. I don't want the copper to touch the concrete. I think though a peel and stick membrane would work for that.
    Here's another article on carpenter ants from a pest control company:


    I wanted to do both a bug guard (J channel) and z flashing for the wall. They'll get expensive with copper or SS. Wondering if I can have a very small z flashing that drips on the J channel if the J channel slopes down? That doesn't feel right though.

    I was doing wiring lath with surface contact cement so maybe I can bring that up to cover top of foam. That would provide barrier for the ants. Some more thinking to do.

    如何阿布t a rust proofing paint or coating over aluminum or galvanized? I may look into that. More labor intensive but I could do that myself.

  13. 保罗·库恩(Paul Kuenn)||#13

    实际上,我使用了一款出色的当地加热/冷却装备,该装置能够订购库存宽度并使用其制动器(机器弯曲长块...对不起,我在上面使用了“ Break”一词)。他们为我做了10英尺长的部分。S/s是非常延展的剪切/切片的痛苦。

  14. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#14

    韦斯ley, If the flashing is just for insect control I wouldn't use an L flashing. I'd use perforated stainless steel bent to a U. That's what we use here in BC for rain screen base flashing whether there is foam or not.

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