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O.K., I don’t want to be controversial, but in lieu of a recent high priced truss bid, I am thinking of constructing a roof with TJI rafters and am thinking of not venting it. The ceiling will of course be cathedral, the joist rafters will be 16″ tall, and I had planned on using plastic accuvent baffles continuos up the roof to create the venting channel, dense pack cellulose below. I do plan on a vapor barrier, ADA approach, or at least very fastidious air sealing…..Any thoughts, please share.

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  1. 道格·梅斯弗斯(Doug McEvers)||#1



  2. 马修·阿曼||#2

    I am considering cavity fill, which will supposedly be a little less dense am may not crush accuvent baffles. When I handled the accuvents, I felt like the corrugations could resist 3.5 lbs/ cuft, but I could be wrong. Any experience or thoughts on the "cavity" fill?

  3. 安倍·德格兰(Abe Degnan)||#3


  4. 马修·阿曼||#4


  5. Matthew Nolette - So Maine CZ 6A||#5

    I think Doug and Abe nailed the vent channel built from the top-chord of the I-joist with foam.


  6. 马修·阿曼||#6

    The pertinent rake walls and footings below are definite considerations, but with the I- joists, hangers (webs not required) and needed gluelams, I am still around $4,000 vs. $7,000 for the parallel chord trusses. Also, the 18" parallel chord trusses had much more deflection potential than even the smallest series I-joist @16", so I thought this was important to consider as well. I like the foam idea, but it is definitely cost prohibitive, even tough it is adding insulation. The rafter tails were going to implemented even with the trusses. My other option was to use scissor trusses, but that severely lowered both inside and outside pitches, this due to the fact that minimum allowed slope for blowing in cellulose is 2 in 12 pitch. I hear you though Matt, maybe I am choosing to ignore or am not thinking thoroughly through how much labor this process will end up taking. It is counterintuitive that trusses would be out priced by any cut roof, but it seems so in this case. I think the devil could be lurking in the details of the rake wall construction and the miscellaneous added details you mentioned Matt . I appreciate your Questioning of this, potentially saving my ass.......

  7. Matthew Nolette - So Maine CZ 6A||#7


  8. 马修·阿曼||#8

    The devil is apparently lurking in the construction bank loan appraisal process, where green features are assigned no added value. This project is being held up by one person who represents a system that does not comprehend the tangible values of saving energy and conserving resources. Please share, I need some camaraderie right about now....

  9. Keith Gustafson||#9


    Small local banks tend to have more flexibility than the monster banks. They may like having their sign in front of a green project

  10. 马修·阿曼||#10


  11. Keith Gustafson||#11



    [I looked up the new rules, and mostly it sounds similar to rules in place here in the People's Republic of Mass and it does not look like there would be anything preventing a buyer from selecting an appraiser, only the realtors and loan brokers are verboten]

    At the end of the day a 3 BR 2BA house on 1 acre in zip xxxxx is going to be worth whatever the 3 comps the appraiser finds are.

    我不认为任何评估师是交易中的“上帝”,但是您可以将您提议的房屋与该地区的其他补充进行比较,并弄清楚将其提升的最佳方法。IE 4 BR的价值超过三吨,也许阁楼成为卧室,或者那室室上淋浴,或者屏幕门廊的价值比甲板或...............

  12. Robert Hronek||#12

    Mathew and Keith

    The problem may not be with the appraiser. Many MLS systems provide no information on energy efficiency. The appraisers job is to reflect value placed on real estate by the market. If there is a lack of data the appraiser will be unable to support value added. A lot of good appraisers have left the residential lending field leaving crappy appraisers willing t o work for peanut.


    You may also want to go to Post their seeking thier advice.

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