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I am building a pretty good house next summer. I have an opportunity to purchase used 3″ faced polyiso (asking $25 a sheet). I am wondering if this would be a good fit for under my rat slab in my unvented crawl space and my attached garage slab. Both house and garage will have poured ICF walls in the foundation. Zone 7 northern MN. Looking to save a little money and buying used foam of course is a better environmental fit.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Buying used rigid foam is a great idea. But you want to buy used EPS or used XPS, not polyiso, for use under a slab. Polyiso absorbs too much water to be used in contact with the ground.

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    他所说的是什么 - 从不在一个板块下,但是在基础墙壁的内侧很好,如果你把Polyiso的切开边缘放在板上。

    如果你寻找它,通常会在廉价地回收屋顶eps。板块下的EPS具有漫长而成功的历史。有时也会回收XPS。从性能的角度来看,将重新使用的XPS是R4.2 /寸,而不是R5,尽管与氟氯化碳的一些预先蒙特尔议定书商品仍然可以在更高的R.

  3. 史蒂夫·维尔森||#3


  4. Brad Hardie||#4


    Check with for EPS, XPS or Iso.

  5. 史蒂夫·维尔森||#5

    Thanks Brad, I will check with them.

  6. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#6

    Insulation Depot has changed their name to Nationwide Foam (but still headquartered at 703 Waverly, Framingham MA )

  7. 史蒂夫·维尔森||#7


  8. Charlie Sullivan||#8

    Ooh, $9 for 3" sounds irresistible. But I still wouldn't use it below the slab--it might be OK in your configuration, but you are putting it where it really can't be replaced if it fails. How about two layers of exterior foam over a 2x4 wall?

  9. Rick Miller||#9



  10. Brad Hardie||#10


    That IS a very good price for poly-iso, if it's in good condition. Does that include shipping? Did you get that price from Nationwide Insulation? Just never, never, never use the poly-iso under a slab. You can get reclaimed EPS for less than $9/sheet, so why use poly-iso and chance it. If it gets wet - which it mind as well just throw out your money. The XPS or EPS wouldn't stop water migration or vapor from getting into the poly-iso.

  11. 乔苏哈拉达||#11

    If you are doing a vented roof, insulating the attic with cellulose I would also be inclined to put that up on my 2nd floor ceiling with taped seams, use furring strips, and attach my sheet rock below it, to get that R20 there before you place your attic cellulose at R40 or whatever you want. That is if you have nine foot ceilings upstairs and don't mind losing a few inches of ceiling height. Face the foil side towards the sheet rock. That is a lot of R for 9$...

  12. Paul Kuenn||#12

    Good day Steve!

    I'd give this guy in Madison WI a call and make an offer:

    and keep watching Craig's list. Two layers of 2" would work great as you can cover the seams. There's always good deals for EPS a day's drive away.

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