Vapor-permeable air sealing for cripple walls

In a 1930 stucco home in earthquake country, some seismic strengthening measures will go in in this winter, including plywood shear walls to cover some cripple walls in a 3-foot crawlspace. First I want to air seal the cripple walls that will be behind the plywood. The air seal must be vapor permeable. I’m leaning toward use of either kraft paper or a smart vapor retarder. I’m inclinded to lay the air seal against the outer wall, then bolts/holddowns, then mineral wool batts in the cavities, and then the plywood. The cavities might be inaccessible for decades.
哪种蒸气延迟?纸张(如牛皮纸或DB +)VS聚合物气相滞后(如Intello Plus或膜)?或者如果有人认为我应该抛弃连续密封和密封木头的想法而不是填缝或有限的泡沫珠(edit: or tape, see below),也许他们可以说原因。
气候区3 c,粉刷外墙,斯图背后的纸cco from 1930 is fine but it’s paper, yes wind and sun both drive exterior moisture into walls in any season, yes there are interior sources of humidity in any season, no there is no capillary break in the footing. No inspector, contractor, or anyone else is going to be OK with impermeable anything in this location.(Edit: I mean not behind a shear wall. Foam’s great where appropriate. Also moisture is probably piggy backing on air leaks. Also there are flashing defects typical of the period. Despite almost a century of this the engineer seems to have found no need for remediating framing and it’s good to go for voluntary strengthening.)

I also have a vague idea that sealing outside air out at the first opportunity to keep it out (interior side of the the house sheathing 1x6s) is better than letting it seep into the cripple wall cavity.
Craft-paper is a terrible air-barrier - and isn't accepted as such under my code I know of.
Hi David.
If so, the first thing that comes to mind is a vapor open housewrap. They are typically known to be difficult to detail as an air barrier, but that is because of all the seams and fasteners. The materials themself do block air flow. You'd be able to use a continuous piece, will only need to determine how to seal the perimeter (probably an air sealing tape) and you won't need to punch a bunch of holes in it.
Brian - 是的,空中障碍,究竟。这只是我之前从未听说过汽室的材料,声音完全正确。我错误地猜到了蒸汽延迟器,因为它得到了渗透性。如果我没有Google的魔法搜索词,我就会错过很多东西。但是,在思想中,GBA已经写了那些房屋包装通常不是空中障碍。我没有解开。
Now I see that even Tyvek is considered vapor-open (I had no idea) and there are plenty of other choices. Also now I see Home Depot is advertising dirt-cheap asphalt-impregnated kraft D paper for precisely my application. Need to pick a reasonably economical one that can tolerate occasional damp at bottom (no capilary break, and at least for now no stucco flashing at grade though I keep hoping some skilled person needs a small job sometimes). Reduced environmental impact of the material itself is potentially a factor. I'm not expecting any need for bulk water to drain so that's not a factor.