Exhaust-Only vs. ERV System Ventilation in Bathroom
I am looking at adding bathroom ventilation to a house that was built in the 1970s.
The house has a pretty standard envelope for a house of that time with fiberglass batts in the walls and blown-in insulation in an unconditioned attic.
My question is given what I assume is a fairly leaky envelope, does it make sense to go with an ERV style of ventilation system or just use something like Fantech’sPBW 110浴缸W /格栅 - 浴室风扇 - Fantech?
The house is 2300sqft w/ 2.5 bathrooms
浴1 - 850立方英尺
浴2 - 560立方英尺
Bath 3 (half bath) – 185 cubic ft
Any thoughts?
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As I understand it, an ERV system is only needed in a tightly insulated house, so that you can supply fresh outside air, and exhaust stale inside air, all while minimizing the effect of introducing cold/hot/humid/dry outside into your house.
I would say it depends. Disclaimer: I'm not an HVAC engineer, just some asshole on the internet.
没有HRV / ERV不仅适用于紧的房屋。考虑到“通风”虽然假定的泄漏组件的墙壁将通过灰尘,模具,垃圾等,并且可以是气流限制的(即:不推出其全容量)
A mechanical ventilation system that brings in as much air as its sucking out, being net neutral in pressure. Consider even making it slightly positive to bring in better controlled ventilation air and it'll push out the leaks in the walls. Also, now you're bringing in filtered air (although the standard filters in many ERV's aren't much, but you can upgrade them or put in a filter box) which I consider a much better system for indoor air quality.
If its only for the bathrooms, consider an HRV so you can better exhaust high moisture air, as opposed to keeping most of that moisture with an ERV. This highly depends on where you are in the world and what the exterior air moisture content is throughout the year. Moisture is a big issue, track it and make sure its good.
I am just north of Dallas, so climate zone 3A W/H.
I was looking at the Aldes IAQ system for 2.5 bath and you pretty quickly hit the $1100 mark, so some rational starts to be required when you jump from the $60 Home Depot fans to that price bracket.
我不是在尝试光顾或一个**洞......但是HRV / EVR存在的原因是解决今天建造的极其紧的房屋内的糟糕空气问题。由于问题完全不同,我毫不犹豫地应用绝对必要的解决方案,这是一个泄漏的房子。
泄漏的房屋足够或超过足够的通风。将HRV / ERV放入等式只是对我有意义,除非您也要紧张。
I think the best you can hope to accomplish with a HRV in a leaky house (which you don't make tight) is to not draw more air than is already coming in, and keep your balance neutral. And allow the leaky air to continue coming in as before. It's not an unreasonable goal, but the cost seems high for the benefits. And you would need to have the HRV in on-demand mode, only turning on when the bathroom vents (or kitchen vent) is on, and then shutting off.
Personally, I would not bother with an HRV/ERV, but instead would go the bathroom vent route, and properly vent it outside, it will work perfectly fine. If the 1970's house and occupants survived just fine until now with leaky walls, I don't think an occasional fan will cause any issue when it draws a bit more air through for temporary periods of time. That's how they were designed to work. And in reality, the air coming in IS cleaner than what's in your house, especially in the bathroom or when cooking.
There is also the matter of climate. Are you in a cold climate? I ask because, as Martin points out in本文,ERV或HRV系统的高成本可以在非常寒冷的气候下合理,但在更平缓的气候中,在更简单的通风设备产生的能量惩罚低于寒冷的气候,它可能最好安装更便宜仅排气(在您的情况下)通风设备。