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Web location showing how to blow cellulose from start to finish?

sumncguy| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

I am putting up a 1.5 story 24 x 24 garage. I want to use blown cellulose on the upper floor. I’d like to do it myself but I can’t find a tutorial that shows start to finish steps including setting up proper ventilation.

Does anyone know if a web resource exists that can show me the step by step process ?

Thanks !

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    For information on blowing cellulose on an attic floor (that is, above a ceiling), the best GBA resource is probablyHow to Install Cellulose Insulation.

    If you are interested in seeing a video that explains how to dense-pack cellulose in wall cavities, I suggest that you look at this video:Dense-packed cellulose.

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