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Weight of cellulose to attic

Smokey059.|发布了General Questions

我正在努力决定我可以安全地吹入阁楼的绝缘程度,并且在成本上的点效益融合在一起。我是在第6和7区之间的边界。我已经将墙壁绝缘到r 39周围,通过胶带和填缝来密封墙壁。天花板有1/2“胶合板林荫钉钉在桁架24”o.c。然后是1×4捆扎16“o.c.拧到桁架上,最后1/2“干墙拧到1×4。
I’m currently thinking 27 to 30″ of cellulose. I calculated the weight of the cellulose to be 2 to 2.5 lbs psf at those depths. The bag says it weighs 25lbs to cover an area to r19 (50sf 6″). So I just took the r19 value multiplied it times 4 or 5 to get the 2 to 2.5 psf which would be r76 to r96.
The plywood weighs 40lbs a sheet and the drywall weighs 40lbs per sheet which I figured comes in at 1.25lbs psf for each or a total weight of 2.5 lbs psf. The 1×4 strapping I figured adds about .5 psf to the ceiling.
Also would there be much real difference in the building performance between r76 and r96. The cost seems small for the added cellulose. The labor is me so well u know.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    >"I’m right on the border between zone 6 and 7"


    >“我已经将墙壁绝缘到r 39附近”


    >“...... R76和R96之间的建筑业绩会有很大的实际差异”

    A whole-assembly R of R75 would be about the maximum that's financially rational for zone 6, so even though it's cheap that last 5-6" isn't buying you much, so there's not much point to piling it on all the way to R96. See Table 2, p.10:

    (Read the whole first chapter.)

    1. vt_guy.||#7

      How are you calculating projected fuel costs over what time period to arrive at what is “financially rational for zone x”?

  2. Smokey059.||#2


  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3


    一个12层的纤维素是一种运行bout R40-R45, so 2 feet deep (R80-R90) would be 3-4 lbs per square foot and initially R80-R90. An initial blow of 24" will settle to about 22" over the first decade or so and very little thereafter, which would be the R75 to R80 target range you're looking for. Call it 3lbs per square foot if everything is nominally set up correctly, 4lbs per square foot if it's off. Some installers intentionally shoot for 2lbs per cubic foot nominal density to limit the amount of settling over time, but it's quite a bit more material, and not really necessary. A 1.3-1.5 lbs density initial blow is about right for most.

  4. Smokey059.||#4

    On a side note I read today on this site the penalty of just a small area of the insulation depth being less than the desired depth and how it brings down the overall r value of the whole assembly. The trusses on this structure were raised heel but not to a 24" depth. I think their 8". I did cover the top plate for its 5.5 inches to that 8" height with pieces of xps and foamed them in leaving the 2" for the soffit vent chutes but that still leaves another maybe 12 to 14" along the eaves that will not be 24" deep of cellulose. Could I extend those foam pieces out a distance to bring this area to the same r value as the 24" of cellulose. This area that's less than the 24" needed for full cellulose depth is approx. 60 sq ft of the total 2000 sq ft structure. How bad of a penalty is this going to be? Is it worth adding some ridged foam in these areas before the cellulose goes in. Thanks.

    1. Expert Member



      If you can get to the top plate, it would be worth double checking that you have everything well air sealed though. A small air leak can rob you of a LOT of insulating performance!


  5. Smokey059.||#6

    Thanks for the input. I guess ill just double check for any leaks around the top plate and then fill with cellulose since extending foam out won't really gain anything. Ill have to live with a little less r value over that area. Thanks again for the help

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