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What is the best mounting height for minisplit in a shop with 12′ ceilings?

Andy Fellenz| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

What is the best mounting height for minisplits in a shop with 12′ ceilings?

I have a 30X50 shop divided into two rooms, one 22X30 and the other 28X30 and will be installing a minisplit in each room. The manufacturer recommends a minimum height of 90″. I have reasonable clearance around equipment and other obstructions anywhere from 8′ to 11′.

The shop is in Central NY, Zone 5 and I plan to keep it at 60-65 in the winter and less than 80 in the summer.

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  1. Jonathan Blaney||#1

    I wouldn't. Read the "Problems with new heat pumps"posts. They are the wrong system for your application.

  2. Expert Member

    8' is a good number for both cooling and heating and it is still easy reachable for service. If you care mostly about heating performance, lower down is better (floor console is the best) but you loose wall space. You also don't want to block the space bellow too much as you want the unit to be blowing at the ground in the winter.

    50' is a long throw for most mini splits, for example you can look a the air flow distribution on p15 here:

    It will keep the area around the mini split comfortable, might get chilly on the other side.

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