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What is the best way to connect packs to a shower diverter with high water pressure

user-7461548| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hot and cold using packs and a crimping tool with stainless steel cramps on a shower diverter high water pressure shut off valves are in the basement wants to drip slowly at Crimp connection why

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  1. Expert Member

    I think you mean you’re using PEX? PEX is cross linked polyethylene, the now-common plastic water supply piping that is usually red, blue, or white.

    If you have a leak at a crimped fitting, chances are you either have a defective fitting or a bad crimp. Make sure you’re using the correct crimp tool to install the fitting. The size of the die in the tool is critical to making a proper crimped connection. If it leaks, you’ll probably need to cut it off and replace it with a new fitting. The crimp fittings are not generally reusable.


  2. Trevor Lambert||#2

    Please re-ask the question using full sentences, and punctuation. Also, what are packs in this context? Did you mean PEX? I'm assuming cramps was supposed to be crimps.

    I'll answer based on my guess of what you're asking. If the crimp connections are leaking, you either didn't crimp properly or they are defective. It's impossible to say which. The pressure doesn't have anything to do with it, unless by "high pressure" you mean higher than the rated pressure for the pipes, in which case you have bigger problems than dripping crimp connections.

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